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All Systems Rebooting In 5...4...3...2...1...

Cinder's eyes fluttered open. She tried to move her hands but there was something stopping her. She quickly moved her head around to take in the surroundings.

It was a cell with nothing in it except for a figure leaning against a wall. The person had what looked like a hastily made bandage on their head and the blood was seeping through.

Cinder craned her neck to look closer at the person.

It was Kai!

"Kai, get up! Help me!" Cinder cried. Her voice cracking between every word.

Kai didn't even stir.

"Kai wake up!" Cinder cried out again.

Still no movement.

Cinder huffed. She was going to have to get out all by herself.

She tried turning her head around to see what was holding her hands together. Cinder was surprised to see that they were metal handcuffs.

She tried getting up off the cold metal floor, but had no such luck.

It seemed like the person who had kidnapped them had thought in advance. She could only see one leg and and noticed now that the shock had worn off.... She only had one arm!

Cinder tugged desperately against the handcuffs, but it didn't seem to work.

She took the stump of an arm that she had left and tried getting the cuffs of.

No luck.

She sighed. Only Kai could help her now and he was out cold.

Suddenly the door burst open. A women with dark brown hair, deadly pale skin and striking red lips walked in.

"Get me out of here!" Cinder yelled at the lady.

The lady only laughed cruelly.

"That's no way to greet your Aunt."

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