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August 2016 - Searching for a haven

Your new life wasn't better than the old one. Even when you finally escaped from him ; you still have these freaking nightmares every night .
This time the nightmare was so real. You were sleeping in your room with your windows open. Suddenly you woke up from a message on your phone.
"Why are you hiding? I told you I would find you no matter how far you will run. Remember; you are mine!!!"
You couldn't breath. You knew it was him. The one who almost kill you. Another message came.
"I'm outside. Come now!!!"
You have to run. You thought he wouldn't have found you but you were wrong. Now you are in danger.
"Don't make me come up; you will regret it.!!! Come out NOW!!!"
This time you have to run again. You looked out of the window and you saw him standing there with a sharp thing in his hand. It's a knife.

"Oh my god he is not kidding. What I'm gonna do??? I must live I don't wanna die. He is going to kill me if he catch me."
You looked again out of the window and he wasn't there. You know what does that mean. He is coming for you. You opened the door and checked the elevator; someone was using it. It was him. You run through the stairs. You are running as fast as you can. When you got outside the building you kept running. You heard him screaming youn name.
You know he is following you so you can't stop running. If you stop he will catch you.
The road is dark and you almost can't see anything. He is still following you and he is approaching you. He is faster than you so you have to do something. You turned at the right and run to the closest police station. Before you could reach the police station you run into a guy. You were so scared and you started crying. You thought it was him. You started hitting him.
Guy: "Wowo. Calm down. Are you ok? Why you are crying?"
You stopped hitting him and felt into his arms crying non stop.
Y/n:"Please save me. He is trying to kill me."
He picked you up inside his arms. Then your ex turned the corner. He saw you inside the arms of the guy and started yelling.
Ex/n:" Live my girl you b******. I'm gonna kill you".
He tried to take your arm but the guy pulled you behind him.
Ex/n: "So you want to die. Then die son of a b****."
He tried to stumped him with the knife but the guy was faster than him and he took the knife from his hand and threw it away. Then he punched him in his face and maked him bleeding. He kicked him and pushed him away.
Ex/n:"I will come back for you. You are not escaping again. You heard me??? You are MINE!!!!"
He left running as he saw the cops run toward him. When he left you passed out.

Love is a lie, a mistake(Namjoon-BTS)Where stories live. Discover now