11// Purple bruise.

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"What the hell!" I yelled at the two.

I soon saw Katelyn walk towards me and push me out of the way of the door and storming off angrily.

"What the hell happened!?" I yelled at Brianna

"She attacked me!" She shrieked.

"She what?!" I stormed off to Katelyn's room.

I began pounding on the door .

"Katelyn, open the fucking door now!" I began yelling.

"GO AWAY CHANDLER!" she shouted back, I could hear her crying.

"NO OPEN THE DAMN DOOR!"I yelled back.

This time there's was no reply.

"KATE!" I yelled one last time.

Finally a door opened and I walked in angry.

Her cheek was red.

She walked to the bathroom and wiped the tears from her eye with some toilet roll.


Suddenly my face began to sting, chandler slapped me!

My jaw dropped and suddenly I was furious.

I grabbed his shoulders an rammed him out of the door.

"STAY AWAY FROM ME YOU ASSHOLE!" I shouted before slamming the door.

Then I remembered we were doing a panel in 30 minutes. Shit.

**Time skip to panel**

There was a heck of a lot of tension during that panel.

A member of the audience got up and asked chandler a question.

"This is completely off topic; but how do you feel about some of the stuff people say about Brianna?"

"I really hate it, she's a really nice person and unless you've met her people have no right to be rude to her and call her names..."

"Like a psycho bitch" I muttered quietly under my breath. Turns out it wasn't so quiet and that the microphone had picked up me saying that.

Oh my god, what did I just do?! My eyes widened realising the audience heard.

Chandlers face was shocked and full of hate.

I quickly ran off backstage.

Not long after Chandler followed behind.

"My god Chandler, can you leave me alone." I said cried.

"No, how dare you attack my girlfriend earlier and now your being rude about her in front of an audience " He said angrily

"I was only saying what was true. I did not attack her, she attacked me! She grabbed me by my neck and threatened me, slapped me twice and then did this to me..." I said bending down and rolling up my jeans to reveal a huge purple bruise on my shin.

Chandler gasped.

"You're lying , I don't believe you." He said.

I began crying heavily.

"Fine don't believe me, I don't care. But I know what happened!" "Oh yeah and I never want to talk to you again." I said before running away from him.

I got straight into my car and drove back to my hotel.

A/N sorry for such a bad chapter but I had really bad writers block.

Also just a quick disclaimer, I am sure Brianna is a really nice person but for the story I'm making her a not very nice person to make it more dramatic. So please not hate.


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