15// Emergency.

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Currently walking to Katelyn's house so we can have a girls day, we're going ice skating. It's our favourite thing to do together.

I'm really excited because I haven't seen her in a while, she's been super busy.

"Hey Kate, you ready." I said whilst hugging her.

"You bet I am!" she said

"So got any hot gossip?"

"Um not really.." She said

I didn't buy it.

"Um ya there is , I can tell; so spill."

"Fine, me and chandler are dating!" She said excited.

"YOUR WHAT!" I said stopping in front of her in the middle of the street

I can't believe she's dating that jerk, I mean yeah he's super hot but still, he's a jerk!

"Did you forget that he slapped you?" I said to her angrily.

"I know but he's so sweet, I really like him. can we just drop this ." She wasn't asking, she was telling me.

"Fine." I said, I was not happy with her.

*Skip to ice skating*

I forgot how cold the ice rink got. Duh April, it is ice

"Hey, I cant believe how long it's been since we last came here." She said whilst skating, she wasn't paying attention.

All of a sudden she went tumbling to the ground.

"OOW FUCK!" She shouted.

"KATE!" I said skating straight over to her and bending down.

The blade from her skate had cut all down her leg.

"Oh my Kate, your bleeding. There's so much blood."


"Everything's going blurry April." She said sounding drowsy.

"Just stay calm, everything's going to be okay I won't let anything happen to you Kate, stay awake for me Kate." I said trying to seem somewhat calm.

"Can you call chandler for me pl..."She said before passing out.

"We need to get her to the hospital "A man said skating over.

I quickly threw my skates off , picked Kate up and ran outside carrying her to my car.

I laid her down on the back seats and drove to the nearest hospital.

I ran out of the car "Please I need help! My friend hurt her self skating, she's bleeding a lot and she's passed out!" I said to a nurse at the desk.

She soon ran out with a wheel chair, and took her into one of the emergency rooms.


My phone began ringing, I looked at it to see it was Kate calling and smiled.

"Hey babe." I said

"Chandler, hi my name's April, I'm Kate's best friend."

"Umm hi" I said confused as to why I was talking to her.

"Um there's been an accident, Katelyn is in hospital."

I quickly hung up the phone, I began to freak out and I ran down the stairs as fast as possible.

"Chandler, where are you going? You can't go out we have to be somewhere." My mum called out to me.

"Not now mum!" I said

I jumped into the car and drove as fast as I could to the Hospital.

Just The Beginning|| Chandlyn[COMPLETE] Where stories live. Discover now