........night still goes on!!!

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After Neill brought our sodas..... he still had to leave us again because he was every busy with the party.

"Sorry buh I have to say this...... You look gorgeous.....more than gorgeous, I have no words to describe you buh the truth is that your cute.... I swear men can die because of you"

"So should I take that as a compliment...... buh anyway thank you, by the way you also look good..... I forgot to tell you, and women can go crazy just because of you"

After all the compliments we told at each other, we were just staring at each other, I guess we were trying to explore one's body more than we all knew. Suddenly, our stare was interrupted by one of my favourite songs...... the song was a salsa song.

"Shall we dance" I proposed

"Yeah sure buh only if you don't mind, I don't wanna take an advantage"

"Hey !!! Remember I was the one who proposed to you, so I don't see any reason of why you should  be so concern about taking an advantage of me....... so shall we start?"

"Sure...... after you"

As we were dancing, I felt so safe to be with him.

"I have to say this...... your such a good dancer, I really never thought that my history teacher can also be a perfect salsa dancer, where did you learn all that?"

Thanks, buh the fact is that am not very good, I only try, I was in a troupe of salsa dancers when I was in high school.... buh that was long ago, am not that perfect...... you are perfect, I really like your dancing, where did you learn all that?"

"Mmmmmh just from nowhere, its just that I really have a great passion for it"

As we were still on our conversation, it had reached the time whereby we were supposed to shift partners,

DEAR HEAVENS !!!!! The hands I landed on where so rough and stiff. It felt as if I had landed on a stone from the derset. By the time I raised my face to see who it was..............."its you again!!!"

I could not believe that I met that guy again. The guy was Neill's brother, he was the same person who tried to abuse me sexually, but likely enough Neill came to my rescue. I could not stand the fact that I was in his arms again.

"Hey beautiful, its you again....... long time men!! Did you miss me....... Don't worry am here now, we can have all the fun that we wanted to make last time... nothing will stop us now!"

"Get your dam f***ing hands off me, what do you think your doing, dont you have manners..... you have really not changed a bit.............."

Just before I could finish speaking, the mannerless a**h**e was on the ground,.... I could not believe what I saw!!!!

It was mr. Styles who had hit him.
"Are you okay, did he hurt you?"

"Yes am fine, don't worry nothing bad has happened"

"Can you now see, this is one of the reasons why I did not want Neill to bring you here..... I bet we should now leave"

"Men!  It was not such a big deal, buh anyway it has already happened. Am also very exhausted..... buh I dont think that I'll be going back to school at this time"

"I'll sort everything out, Don't worry about where you will sleep"

"Ok siiirrr!" Dragged in a sarcastic way

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