Meeting Chaos

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IChapter 13

3rd POV

Percy Jackson walked up to the judging place where it would be decide where he would go. But before Percy could get there a man with a black cloak on and eyes with planets in them. The man also had pale white skin. He offered Percy a deal he could have a new chance of life and maybe get to see his loved ones again.

Percy POV

I was walking to where I would get judged when I got stopped by a man with a black cloak, pale white skin, and eyes that looked like a galaxy in them. He offered me a deal, he said, "You can have a new chance of life and see your friend adn family in 10,000 Chaos years and 5 earth years."

I said," Yes but I get to recruit some of my dead friends."

He said, "Fine but you can only can recruit 6 people, you all have to have a code name, and be my heir."

I said,"Fine I want to recruit Silena, Beckendorf, Luke, Zoe, Castor, and Bianca."

He teleported me too the palace where he lived it was awesome and he created rooms for all of us. He teleported us the people I wanted to recruit there and started to bless all of use.

Zoe was given the power to heal people and shoot a bow better. Bianca was given more powers with Hades things and being able to shoot a bow better. Silena was given the power to charmspeak anyone adn be able to change what people look like. Beckendorf was given the ability to make anything that he wants out of metal. Castor was given the ability to have more power over grape vines. Luke was my second in command adn had the power to pick any lock and turn invisible with anything he had in his hand. I was given the power to create, more water powers, and change shape and what I look like.

Zoe code name was Star. Bianca code name was Angel. Silena code name was Beauty. Beckendorf code name was Forge. Castor code name was Vines. Luke code name was Alpha. My code name was Omega. We would stay for 10,000 Chaos years training for the battle that is going to happen on earth.

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