Interrogation sounds fun right

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Chapter 19

Percy POV

Yay my identity has been revealed and so has Luke's. We just stood there in shock and so did everyone else we still had our hoods thank the gods. Finally after about 10 minutes which was probably 2-3 but hey I had ADHD so I can not really tell. My dad walked up to me and said, "Percy, son, is that really you?"

I looked up and said, Yay dad it is really me."

The same thing was happening to Luke who was right next to me. The we both got crushed in hugs, our parents were first, for me was the hunters, and then the rest if the campers. Then, it was time to get interrogated yay. The first person too asked a question was Artemis and she said, "Percy and Luke why did you not tell us it was you?"

I said, "I did not tell because Chaos said that it could make it harder to win the war but I guess they already know. Luke know take it away."

Luke said, "Oh thanks Percy I did not reveal my identity because I kinda betrayed you."

Hermes said, "Luke we forgave you long ago."

Luke said, "I know Percy told me but still."

Artemis then said, "So you are the other one dating one of my used to be hunters?"

Luke gulped and was looking slightly scared and said, "Yes mam I am dating Zoe."

Artemis grabbed Luke and Castor and said, "Let's have a walk and talk about how we treat them and what will happen if you hurt them. I feel sorry for them.

Luke POV

After Tartarus revealed our identities I was scared who would not be in out positions. Percy and I froze up and so did everyone else. The first to unfreeze was our dads and they hugged us and asked us if it was really us and when we took down our hoods we got crushed by the campers and our parents and in Percy's case the hunters too.

Then it was for our interrogation sounds fun right. At the end when Artemis said she wanted too to talk to Castor and me I was so scared, I think I almost peed my pants. I gave one last fearful glance at Percy left. Artemis said, "You will not hurt the girls, you will always listen to what the girls want. Do you understand that so far. Yes, well if I ever find that you hurt them then I will hurt you. You got that." We both nodded fearing our live and then we walked back to our girlfriends and hugged them.

Artemis POV

I was so excited to see Percy and I was happy that I gave the people that were dating my used to be hunters got a talk. All I wanted to do is talk to Percy right and all my hunter know I like to talk to Percy.

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