Artemis Secret Crush

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Chapter 20

Percy POV

    I was just standing there after telling everyone my identity because we were in the stage where even though they hugged me they still did not believe I was alive. It was a long process anyway I was just standing there when I felt someone start pulling me by my ear and can I tell you it really hurts. After the person stops pulling me we were already in the woods so I quickly pull out riptide and then I realize that it is Artemis, the girl I love.

I said, "Hi what up?" That was not the right thing to say.

Artemis says, "How dare you Percy Jackson it was been forever it seems like and you say Hi what up!!"

I said, "Sorry."

She said, "Sorry in not enough Perseus Jackson!"

I realize that she is about to cry so I pull her for a quick hug and my heart starts to beat faster so I pull away.

Artemis POV

    I pulled him away by his ear and when we get to the woods and I let him go he then decides to pull his sword out not when I was dragging him, he really is dumb. Then he says, "Hi what up?" That was not the right thing to say to me.

I say , "How dare you Percy Jackson it was been forever it seems like and you say Hi what up!!" I said that because I missed him and he just says hi that made me furious.

He said, "Sorry."

I said, "Sorry in not enough Perseus Jackson!"

    Then, he pulled me in for a quick hug because I was about to cry and I did start to cry but my heart was beating faster too. Once he realized that I was not done crying he held me for longer. It took about 30 minutes to get me to stop crying.

    After, I stopped crying I look at his eyes his beautiful sea green eyes and he looked in my silver eyes. We both started to move closer and closer until we started to have a make out season. After we were done I was scared and so was Percy because we would have to tell the hunters and everyone. Oh No. We started to walk back and we were trying to look like nothing happened and both of us were really good at it.

    When we got back we pulled it off that I was just really sad and really mad that Percy died on us and that was because we had gotten close because of the hunters. The only group of people that did not believe us is the hunters, Annabeth maybe, and Athena. It was the best night of my life I have to say that.

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