Shroud Burning

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I Chapter 14

3rd POV

Everyone on Olympus was crying even Zeus, Ares, Athena, and Dionysus. When everyone finally got themselves called down Zeus started his speech. Poseidon, Artemis,Nico, Apollo, and the hunters made his shroud.

Poseidon started his speech he said, "Percy was my favorite son and most talented far. He defeated most of the titans and giants. He went through Tartarus and saved Olympus many times and always protected the ones he loved. " Poseidon was crying by the end of the speech.

Artemis was next she said, "He was my guardian and the hunts guardian and he always did his job no matter what. When he was 14 years old he took the sky from me because he knew that he was not able to do it himself. He was the one male that I considered my friend and a man."

Each god took a turn saying things about Percy and so did the demigods all good things and things that Percy did to help them and affected their life. One thing that they did not know was that Percy Jackson was there watching what they said.

Soon it was time to light Percy shroud it was sea green, silver, and yellow. Everyone was crying because they lost their hero. Hunters were huddled up in groups like the demigods everyone was crying there eyes out.

Percy POV

I was watching the shroud burning for me I was so surprised that everyone was saying so many things about me and so many people were crying because I was dead. I wanted to go help them but I couldn't  because I had to keep a secret that I was alive because if the enemy knew I was alive.

I came back after the shroud burning and it took 4 hours I was surprised it took that long. When I came back I was describe the shroud burning money to my warriors. I kept saying that I didn't do those things but apparently I did and when I said I got a lot of help they said you did do most of it. I was trying to argue but it was not working a all. I also got red like fire truck read well that is what my team said any way.

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