chapter twenty six // love

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"Darling, so it goes. Some things were meant to be."
-Can't Help Falling in Love by Elvis Presley


reyna's point of view

Everything suddenly seemed a lot clearer once my father was dead.

S.H.I.E.L.D. disposed of my father's body within an hour of the euthanization, and I saw him for the last time in his weakest, most pathetic state while I stood above him, alive and well. He was going to be put in the ground under six feet of dirt to rot in an unmarked grave, while I got to move on, almost completely unscathed.

As awful as the whole ordeal with him was, I think I really found myself after all those years of running. I realize now just how strong I am, and how brave I can be. I know my limits, but I also know how to defy them when I need to. I know how to keep going no matter what odds are stacked against me. I know that when it really comes down to it, you have to be able to trust yourself before you can really trust anyone else.

Even after everything I've been through, I'm still here, and I'm so, so proud of myself for that.

After he was taken away, the rest of my day passed by pretty quickly. All four of us grabbed some dinner, watched some TV and even got some light exercise in before bed.

The following morning, we gathered again for breakfast in the cafeteria, sitting in the same spot by the window. The place was packed today, and nearly every agent in the compound was here, getting ready for a full day of work. Fury, Hill and a few other agents had joined us at our table for this morning's feast.

"So, Fury, when do you think we can go back home?" Steve asked a few minutes into the meal, the question clearly having been on the tip of his tongue since Fury had first sat down. I smiled at Steve's eagerness and had another bite of waffle to cover the grin.

Fury looked up, smiling slightly; or at least, smiling as much as Nick Fury can smile.

"Captain, you're all set to go home today. Once we fill out some paperwork and double check the security of your building, you'll be good to go," he said, and everyone broke out into giant grins.

"Finally!" I exclaimed, leaning over and patting Steve's shoulder. "Let's have a house party when we get back!"

"Um, let's not," Steve countered. I shook my head.

"Nope, its settled. We're throwing a party. Fury, how many people do you know?"

"Don't answer that!" Steve called down the table, and Natasha and Bucky cracked up. Fury even looked a little amused himself.

No one said anything again for a minute or two, choosing to fill the silence with eating, until Hill spoke up.

"Reyna, I know it's been a long time since we last worked together, but I've been meaning to ask you...would you be interested in maybe coming to work for S.H.I.E.L.D. again?"

I nearly choked on my food in surprise. Seriously? She wanted me to be a part of S.H.I.E.L.D. again, even after they kicked me out?

"Um..what?" I asked gracefully. She smiled.

"I know you've had a rough past with S.H.I.E.L.D., but you're an amazingly resilient person. You and Barnes here are the only two people we know of that have ever survived being held prisoner on a Hydra compound. You've clearly had a great deal of experience, and I'd be more than willing to hire you if you would be up for it. Barnes, you too."

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