Collab Opportunity ♡

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We are a community that loves writing and reading, and this account is here to celebrate every single story on here, so it wouldn't seem right if we did not have an opportunity on here to collab.

Friends, I invite you to sign up to collab on a novel that will be posted right here, on this account!

Depending on how many people sign up, you will each be assigned at least one chapter to write. Each chapter should be around 2,000 words, and submitted via Google Docs.

Sign up ends on Friday, September 23rd, 2016, and you will be notified with further details on Monday, September 26th, 2016.  You can sign up here:


Now — Sept. 23: sign up to participate
The week of Sept. 26 — Sept. 30: we will plot, decide who will write which chapters, etc.  This is just our planning week.
Oct. 1: We begin writing!

Make sure to sign up, and when you submit your application, do it with care — especially on the part where you are asked to write a sample paragraph.  If we get a lot people, we will probably have to select only certain people to write, and the selection will be done based on the quality of that paragraph.  So remember to spellcheck, check your grammar, and do your best!  You can even go beyond a paragraph, if need be, to ensure that your true skill is shown in your application.

Make sure to tell your friends to sign up, too!  We don't want just three people working on it, so spread the word!

If we do get too many people, either certain people will just be selected OR we will write two books.

Get excited!

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