Spotlight Writers, Part II

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Hi guys,

We're bring back Spotlight Writers, Part II for the month of March!

This time we're doing it a little differently...

Instead of having you guys sign up ahead of time, I would like you to just directly send me your work.

We had a lot of issues last time where people signed up and then never submitted works, so we had to stop posting in there all together.  It failed, but from what was posted, you guys seemed to really like it!

For those of you who do not know, Spotlight Writers is an anthology of your works — it can be anything!  We accept poetry, short stories, songs, fan fiction etc. 

Here are the requirements:

— Maximum of 3,000 words
— Edited & grammatically correct
— Write a short 100 word bio on yourself (include anything special about yourself!  Have you been published?  What's your Wattpad username?  Do you have a blog/Twitter?  What inspires you to write?

It is due on February 17, 2017 (doesn't matter time zones.  Whenever it is 2/17/17 where you are, have it submitted!).  You can submit by emailing it to

Email worked out the best last year.  If you have any issues with that, please DM me and we can figure something else out.

I can't wait to see what you guys come up with this year!

— Aerin

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