Chapter 5

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Louis had a bowl of sugary cereal in his lap with every crunch of the corn goodness being audible to his ears as he flipped the pages in his latest choice of a novel. He wasn't alone in the living room for Harry was right beside him, feeding on his own breakfast of fried eggs and hashbrowns. The Dominus was bravely trying to hide his smirk whilst watching Louis eat around a tablespoon that was obviously too big for his mouth.

"Do we not have-" Harry leaned across and his thumb swiped over the white droplets escaping the corner of Louis' lips. "-more suitable spoons,haud mirum?"

Louis pouted at the man's comment and his otherwise lively but pale cheeks, turned pink at Harry's skin grazing his. "We do. I was just really hungry."

Harry's frown comes to his features as he withdraws after a meeting of his lips on Louis' forehead. When he's a space back he sees that Louis' eyes are closed before they flutter back to consciousness.

"Will the cereal be enough, haud mirum?" Harry checks, worried that his only sweetheart will be left unhappy because he didn't eat adequately.

"I think so." Louis chews some more and swallows, scooping up a bit in his spoon for another round.

"That won't do." Harry shakes his head and removes any bother of doubt by taking the bowl with him as he leaves the couch.


Harry's hand extended towards him. "Come."

Louis took it and stood up as well, being guided to the kitchen by his Dominus who sought to amuse him. The winter days were already settling in as one could tell by the ravenous winds outside pelting against the sides of their haven, uneasing the nerves of the horses in their barn.

The air whipping about their feet from the gap beneath the locked door was vengeful and Louis felt his ankles go rigid many a time during the day. It wasn't the best sensation to have the frostiness creeping up the soles of his feet to leave him in pain.
Harry hadn't known about that discomfort and he still doesn't. They've been cooped up in their little cabin for a whole day now, this being the second and the snow hasn't begun to grace their grounds yet.

"I'm cold." Louis complained, even with his two long-sleeved shirts and extra thick double layer of socks.

Harry turned around from the stove to consider this, chewing his upper lip in conflict. He too had on twice as much clothing, but the oncoming winter was beating out their reserves easily.

"It's an early hour." Harry replied heatedly, two black orbs focusing on Louis across the counter. "I could light the fireplace for you?"

Louis grabs the hot water bottle they've been using for their frozen nights, milking it for the dregs of warmth it had left. "Maybe we could bring our mattress down here?"

Harry peeled open the tab of a sachet of creamy soup, letting a portion of water simmer in a pot over the stove. The smell of flavoured chicken and mushroom filled his senses and Louis' tummy rumbled without command at it.

"You do not eat enough, haud mirum." Harry admonishes without appearing to be threatening. He fetches the leftover bread Louis prepared last night and spreads butter over the slices to sit in the oven. "I do not like that."

"I eat plenty." Louis defends gutlessly, well aware that he isn't eating as much as he should be.

Harry doesn't let such a subject go as easily. He continues to regard the preparations of Louis' proper breakfast whilst thinking about how many more covers they'll have to bring out from the closet. "Your idea is clever, haud mirum. We can bring the bed down here for the fire."

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