Chapter 8

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Louis has been ill for three days, treading dangerously to the cliff edge of self destruction.

He had severe fatigue on the first day when Harry diagnosed him as in fact pregnant, not being able to wake up from their couch beyond the hoisting and shifting Harry did for him. The boy coughed and sneezed all day long with a festively red nose and irritably scratchy throat that Harry left laden with kisses every opportunity he got.

The entire duration of that dull, stormy Thursday comprised of Harry spending every waking minute beside his ailing mate filled with dread and concern. He kept him topped up with fluids and forced him to eat even when Louis' stubborn streak shone through. The Dominus held him close in sleep and hoped that their intimacy will transmit to his unborn.

All he ever thought about when given the opportunity was Louis pregnant then having to give birth, bringing his beautiful little first-born into the world. He already vowed to be a completely dedicated and devote father to that baby, cherish it and his mate so much more with all he had to offer. From dawn to dusk he will serve the whims of his family.

A Dominus sought all their lives to build their bloodline and create a lineage, starting from finding their mates to making the products of their love and commitment. Harry was no different of course and was most eager to accomplish what is most fulfilling and beautiful thing in a Dominus' life.

The second day of Louis knowing he's pregnant comprised of majority of the day spent kneeling over the toilet. He couldn't keep down more than what the underdeveloped foetus he was carrying wanted to obtain nutrition from. When Harry walked in at one point with a tall glass of warm milk, he found Louis slouched against the bathtub almost asleep with a hand caressing where his bump will form.

Day three was the most uneventful and Harry was so grateful for it because the time could be spent making sure Louis recuperated. He made certain that the boy was in bed all day, eating and drinking what's beneficial for him, before he joined him for their midnight cuddle.

Outside the snow was worsening and Harry had checked through a window to see the depth of it before he sealed them, screwing his jaw shut at noticing that it had barricaded a quarter of their front door. He never told Louis and just checked on the fireplace once more before rejoining the overly fond boy in front of it.

"Are you excited?" Louis asked with a giggle after his Dominus crawled forward on his front, burying his face in Louis' tummy with apt fingers massaging his hips.

"I can't describe how I feel about this little one." Harry's words were muffled by where he branded them, plump lips sliding across the pudge of Louis' front as he concentrated on giving that area attention. "I wish it were possible to hold my baby now."

"The time will fly by, my love." Carding through Harry's hair and straightening it out between his shoulderblades, Louis smiled with hearts in his eyes at the circumstance he was part of. "Why do you think I got pregnant so quickly?"

His question was a legitimate one for mated pairs took close to a year before actually conceiving a life. It just has always been that way so Louis was curious to know how they took three days tops.

"You are very fertile, haud mirum." Harry stated with a lopsided smirk intended just for the blush of his darling mate, shielding Louis' body as he pulled himself up higher for a languid kiss. "How is my baby behaving?"

"You asked me that ten minutes ago." Louis reminded him amidst his laughter, eyes crinkling and the tint of blue brightening. "Our baby is still too little, my love."

Harry brought his hand up to where Louis' rested over the spot where his baby would grow, covering the boy's hand entirely. "What about you, beloved? Do you need anything?"

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