Chapter 12

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Harry was on the prowl. He searched high and low, over and above the locations Louis - his blissfully panicking mate - directed him towards to fetch his favourite cableknit sweater. It was no less than medium in warmth and Harry didn't even need more clothes than chopped sweatpants but his mate wanted a sweater and so he shall have one.

He found all the cableknit sweaters not dumped into their laundry hamper and brought it downstairs to where Louis was making a cold turkey sandwich for himself. It was accompanied by slices of pickles for chips and apple juice for a beverage.

"Would your favourite choice be among these?" Harry held up the three vastly different selections and had Louis narrow his eyes to a squint.

"No." Louis looked heartbroken, pout complete with upset eyes and a creased brow. "You looked everywhere?"

"I did, haud mirum." Harry dumped the items of clothing onto their couch and went to comfort his saddened mate by kissing his mark on him.

"In the closet?" Louis didn't pay him any mind while Harry rubbed two flattened palms over his baby bump and peppered sweet kisses up to his jaw.

"Of course." Harry murmured, distracted by the tantalising brush of Louis' skin on his lips.

"In my drawer in the dresser?" Louis popped a shred of dry turkey into his mouth.

Harry smirked. "All that is mine is yours. How can the drawer be yours when we both store things in there, beloved?"

"Don't get sappy on me." Louis wrapped one hand around Harry's forearm when it steeled itself around his lower abdomen. "We're in a crisis."

"No, my lover." Harry spins him around as a darkening part-took in the widening of his pupils. "A crisis is that we have a new home worlds away waiting for us."

Just two days ago, on the day they finalised a move from these lands, Harry forced himself out of the territorial pack and received a month in time to move away. He soon found their new home in the form of an apartment as is part of a well-known complex. Louis saw images of it when Harry took them into town yesterday to finalise the details and call the estate agent on the other side.

"We haven't even packed yet." Louis' fingernails lightly scratch at the dips created between Harry's broad muscular frame. He ran his thumb over them and got his Dominus to growl or shudder. "Do you think Baby will like it in the city?"

"Baby will never know about this home of ours." Harry dropped his arms to Louis' hips.

"Will you be getting a job there?" Louis runs his fingers through Harry's silky locks, freshly shampooed from his shower. "Life in the city is expensive, my love."

"I am aware." Harry chuckles not uncomfortably, patting Louis' pert bottom to hear him giggle. "I will not be acquiring an occupation outside our home, and neither will you need to."

Louis sighed and stepped with socks on his feet onto the dorsal side of Harry's feet. The wood of the Dominus' prosthetic was slippery but nothing Harry tightening his arms around Louis couldn't solve.

"I believe you." Louis pecked the tip of Harry's nose. "How do you feel about banana split for dinner?"

* * * * *

Louis got to make his decadent banana split with more Madagascan vanilla ice cream than chocolate, cherries or banana. Harry watched in odd fascination during his meal of leftover lasagne as Louis devoured the entire extravagant treat without breathing between bites.

Without a television and more than eighteen movies from over thirty-five years ago to entertain them, Louis cured their chronic boredom with Scrabble. He whipped out the game from the attic and coughed through the entire process of dusting the box off. Harry pitied him but more so admired his determination, for tiny acts like this reassured him everytime that there's no other creature on this planet for him.

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