Chapter 16

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Louis has been handling all of his ten days in the hospital under medically professional supervision excellently. Harry made enquiries to have him transferred into a private wing where there would be minimal hindrances. The Dominus was exceedingly proud of his darling mate, who took every test in his stride and smiled every day.

Louis had experienced extreme highs and lows because of the hormones flooding his system. He sobbed whenever he thought about everything that could go wrong and burst into ecstasy when his Dominus reminded him that he was far from alone in this mating.

The Dominus spent every night in the hopsital with Louis. The chief of surgery had warned him about breaking hospital policy but Harry was under too much pressure to oblige. He had bags brought in from the hotel or newly purchased for Louis to change or himself.

However, Harry's least favourite day has to be today.

Louis has been throwing up everything he ate which forced his doctor to enable a glucose drip into his IV. He was grouchy and tired which did nothing good for uplifting his mood on the day that his family was supposed to visit.

As a mated couple meant to establish their own footing in the world, Louis begging Harry to bring his family to him was forbidden. He was not allowed under any certain circumstances to see them again because their generally warped societal view dictated that such an act displayed fervent disloyalty to his Dominus.

Nonetheless, Harry made the call and Louis' family will be spending a whole hour with him. He would do anything to make his emotional, unstable mate happier again.

"Are you awake, haud mirum?" Harry's knuckles caressed Louis' delicate cheekbone and rubbed his side soothingly.

Their current position on the hospital bed had to look uncomfortable to any outsider. Harry abandoned his prosthetic in favour of climbing in under his mate, dragging Louis onto his chest and between his legs. Louis was safest there, protected by Harry's arms and relaxed by the steady beat of his heart.

Louis mumbled something incoherent into the man's collarbone.

His hair was messy and he complained every hour that his breath was awful because of not showering in two days under doctor's orders. He fell asleep under Harry's chin for thirty minutes at a time before something nauseating rocketed through his frail body and he awoke for a round of misery.

"My lover." Harry tilted Louis' head back by his chin, smiling at the familiar shade of oceanic blue unveiled by heavy eyelids. He pecks Louis' nose. "Don't sleep if you can't."

Louis hid himself again in the shape of a tiny ball on Harry's chest and minded his IV that was inserted in his arm. He couldn't help the tears that rolled down his cheeks onto Harry's shirt. "But I'm so tired."

"Shh." Harry acted quickly to comfort his crying mate, massaging the especially annoying muscle at the base of Louis' spine. "Hush, my love. Don't cry."

"But I'm hungry." Louis stretched himself out again, sniffling as he buried his face in Harry's neck.

His Dominus held onto his forearm until after Louis stopped shifting, saving the IV needle from destruction. He let that arm wrap around his neck too afterwards while Louis kept his graceful baby bump protected between them.

"Oh love." Harry chuckled at Louis' antics, drawing the covers up to ensure that the boy was properly insulated. "Solid food isn't an option right now."

Louis sighed shakily and nibbled mindlessly on Harry's clavicle. "They're putting sugar in my veins."

"In a way, yes." Harry closed his eyes and kissed Louis' bond mark, a proud herald of his beholding Harry's teethmarks and all their courtship content in one deep bite. "How does my pup feel?"

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