Chapter Thirty One

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(Sorry for not updating for a week! We've both been busy and I had a big audition I needed to practice for....but I'm back and hopefully it won't be horrible! Thank you for anyone who is reading our story. It really does mean a lot to us! Enjoy!!)


"And no tv either" Ash says calmy as he kisses me lightly then exits my room.

I feel a sense of loneliness already.

God I love him. I can't believe I ever hated him. I can't believe we ever fought. We're so perfect for each other. We're like two perfect puzzle pieces in the big puzzle of life.

I decide that since Ash won't be back for a while that I'll take a little doze until he gets back

*2 hours later*

I wake up feeling refreshed. My back still hurts like a motherfucker but my migraine went away and my vision is a lot better now.

I think about turning on the TV but decide against it because Ash said not to. I remember him saying not to do one more thing....but I can't remember exactly.

I decide that I'm going to look out the window and maybe that'll help me remember. I push the button that calls the nurse and ask for her assistance out of my bed and to the window. Once she is done, I stand there in silence, looking out into the skyline. I take time to study some skyscrapers that line the top of the city. The color, how many floors, how many windows. I look down and I am absolutely appalled by the sight that greets my eyes.

I see Ash beating up each and everyone of the boys that I moaned in the jail cell.

I squint my eyes and try to tell myself that there is no way that's Ash, but I can't do it. Everything is the same. The hair, the shoulders, the body, even the same clothes.

I immediately dash for the door but I fall down harshly on my stomach and scream out in pain. I try to get back up but I am brought down by the pain that I feel each time.

Everytime it gets worse and worse.

I am sobbing out of pain when all I feel is the pinch of a needle entering my shoulder. I scream out once more before all of my body goes numb and my vision turns to black.

-4 hours later-

I wake up with a burning headache and my back feeling worse than the first time. I look over and I see Ash sleeping peacefully.

That fucking asshole.

He beat up some of the best people to ever come into my life. He probably murdered them.

He jumps awake and looks at me. "Hey, how long have you beem awake?". "Long enough" I reply with no tone at all. He jerks his head back in surprise of my answer. "So, what'd you do while I was gone baby?" He asks in a sassy tone. "Oh you know, sleep, eat some jellow, WATCH YOU BEAT UP THOSE GUYS" I say while leaning up and crossing my arms.

He chuckles lightly and shakes his head, "I beg your pardon?". "Bullshit Ash. I know you beat up everyone of those guys I mentioned. Don't fucking lie to me right now" I hiss. "Yeah. I did beat them up. Because they all have one thing in common with me." He says, slightly annoyed. "Oh yeah! What is that, you're both assholes!?" I yell. "YEAH. AND WE ALL LOVE YOU". He screams loud enough that it gets the whole floor looking in our direction. 

"Don't pull the I love you card. It won't work. You best up some of the best people to ever come into my life. And yeah. They might love me. But guess what Ash. They are in the past. They are old news. If you had stuck around and actually asked some QUESTIONS. Then you'd know that they are not important. But no you're jealous ass just had to take over and beat them up".

"I may be an asshole. But I'm an asshole that is madly in love, and when this asshole loves something. It fights for it. No matter what anyone says. No matter what anyone does. I am not sorry about what I did to them. Each of them deserve it in my book. They might not in yours, but to me, anyone who has ever had the slightest feeling toward you, deserves to know about me" he says bluntly. He stares at me then leaves the room.

I sigh loudly and throw my head on my pillow. Ash comes back about 15 minutes later with some papers and a bag of chips.

"These are your release papers and these are my lunch" He states, practically reading my mind.

"But, I haven't even gotten my diagnosis yet, and I haven't spoke to any doctors or anything! I can't be    
/released/" I studder out. "Candice, hun. Your rib cage is bruised. Nothing serious. I spoke to the doctor when you were out for the second time. He said all we have to do is hold a ice pack up to your chest and stomach area for about 20 minutes a day for 2 weeks" He calmy explains while smoothing down my hair.

"I-I-I-". "Shhhh" He whispers, then he kisses me deeply on the lips. I kiss back and my heart monitor starts to beep again.

I hate that thing. Always ruining our moments.

Ash laughs and sits down again, filling out the paperwork in front of him.

Once Ash is done with the papers, I change into some clothes Ash brought from home. He signs the final paper then we finally leave the hospital.

The ride home is completely silent, as we are both just happy that whole ordeal is over. We reach home and power through the door, both of us collapsing on the couch.

Falling into a deep slumber.

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