Chapter 12

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~ BRAD ~

He was still shocked by the fact that Kath knew his secret. Was he that obvious? How did she know? He looked down the window to see if Kath was still there. Much to his disappointment, she wasn't. He closed the window and continued with Connor's homework, even though he couldn't concentrate properly.

He was eventually called down for supper, and the atmosphere totally felt like the one from this morning. No one who was sat at the table talked at all. They all just ate their meal while being comfortably silent, well, at least everyone but Brad. He wasn't used to having quiet meals at all.

When they were all done, he volunteered to help Connor's mum clean up the dishes, and Connor's dad just gave a little huff before walking out. He carried the used plates to the sink and gathered all the leftovers.

"Why does dad hate me too much?" He asked Connor's mum, hoping that he could get at least a little information about Connor from her.

"He doesn't hate you, he just doesn't like the idea of you."

"What do you mean by that, mum?"

"Didn't he tell you before? He wants the best for you, my son, but, instead, here you are, the complete opposite of what he expected." She said with a bit of anger in her tone, so Brad decided to just shut up as he continued helping her.

"I'm not mad at you, Con." Connor's mum suddenly blurted out. He was confused at first, but then he realised that maybe he was acting just like how Connor would when he knew that someone was mad at him.

"You aren't?"

Connor's mum shook her head no. "I honestly couldn't ask for a better son. You told him the truth - and I'm proud of you, even though you weren't exactly who we expected you to be." She said, then she kissed his forehead. He returned a huge smile then he went upstairs to Connor's room.

He was confused with everything that was happening - but he did learn some things. The true Connor isn't accepted by his father at all, his brother rarely gave a shit about him, his mum loves him through thick and thin, Kath and James were his closest friends, and that he was Brad in Connor's skin.

He looked around Connor's room - it looked really neat. He looked at Connor's small pin board just above his study table and saw that he was a study-oriented person - his daily timetable, to-do lists, and a photo of Connor, Kath, and James at the local carnival before it was closed down due to obnoxious reasons. He lifted Connor's oversized duvet and looked under Connor's bed.

He saw a guitar case and a book. He wondered why would he hide these things under the bed. He grabbed the guitar case and opened it, and he saw a really old guitar inside. He got it out of its case and started playing it. Despite its old age, the guitar sounded perfectly tuned. Out of a sudden, Connor's mum came inside the room.

"Sweetie, that's a really good song, but your dad's getting pissed off. Put it back in its case, yeah?" She asked, then Brad nodded back at her as a reply. He did what he was told and put everything back in its normal position. He was already done with Connor's homework, so he decided to lie down on the bed. Eventually, he went to sleep.


He enjoyed the love he was receiving at the Simpson household. Brad's sister came over and they basically had a mini-party. During the 'party', he accidentally spilled strawberry juice on the white tablecloth, but Brad's mum just laughed at how clumsy her son was. He volunteered to clean it up for her, but then she shook her head and said that it was nonsense.

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