Chapter 37

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(WARNING: kinky references)

~ BRAD ~

Hours after texting James something that he needed, he finally remembered the one thing he forgot to do - read the note that he pulled out of his pocket last Monday. He unfolded it and started reading it.

Brad(ley haha),

I'm no fortune teller and I have no powers that make me see the future, but I am sure of one thing - you're going to read this days after I sneak this in your pocket.

Anyway, I hope you kept your promise to me - to take care of Connor (and just in case I didn't make you promise that, newsflash, you just promised me). I have to say, how you handled what happened to the both of you was waaaay better than I expected.

I noticed that everytime you were with Connor, you were happier - you were brighter and bubblier - basically Brad the bouncing bean. When you told me that you were 'mad' at Connor, I didn't feel it. I thought you were stupid, to be honest, but it's okay, we all get stupid once in a while.

Connor would probably kill me if he finds out that I told you about this one tiny bit about his wish, but I don't care.

You see, he didn't wish to switch minds with you, Brad. He wished to switch minds with his soulmate. Cliché wish, am I right? Anyway, I granted his wish. I was surprised that you both came to my house the next day. I wasn't expecting you to be his soulmate.

I hope that that fact won't change anything, but instead intensify something. Please don't tell him that I told you about it. (Okay, maybe do tell him...but I don't know, it's your choice ha)

Good luck, Brad. Follow your heart, which obviously beats for Connor. (well, based from what I observed, even if you deny it...)

All the best,
Kath :)

Brad's not going to deny it - Kath was right. His whole life, though it was messy at first when the spell took over it, became complete when Connor came along. The feeling of the empty hole in his heart that needed immediate filling disappeared because of Connor.

He loves Connor with all of his heart.

He grabbed his guitar, went downstairs and grabbed his car keys. He started making his way towards Connor's house.


He bought pretty much everything on the list of things Tristan loved the most that Brad texted him earlier. He wanted to apologise to Tristan so bad.

He piled all of his gifts in his car, then he went to the front and started it. He started making his way towards Tristan's house.

While he was on his way, he heard his car make an unusual sound, then he pulled over. When he stopped, his engine went off, and he couldn't start his car again.

"What the hell?" James said as he went out of his car. He called his dad's brother, who was a mechanic, and asked him to take his car and fix it, which he promised to pay for later. He didn't have time for mishaps, he needed to apologise to his one true love.

He grabbed the orange flowers and the Twister lollies he bought, since they were the only ones he could carry with him, and he started running towards Tristan's place, which was still a bit far away from where he was.

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