Chapter 38

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His mum just texted him that she'll be over soon. He sighed in relief - he's tired of being alone in the house.

He thought of everything that happened - how he got his brother to the hospital, how he almost had a criminal record, how he became friends with Tristan and, lastly, how his father was never going to forgive him. He let out a sigh and just went downstairs to the living room.

He couldn't even play his guitar while he was on his own. When he came home, he was so lonely. The only thing he could do in his house was watch TV, because all the games were in Lewie's room, and his room was basically off-limits. He decided to stay in his room and continue revising for his Biology subject.

When he heard a car pull over in the driveway, he sighed in relief. He went to the door and opened the door for his mum. To his surprise, she wasn't there, but instead, a man was.

"Dad?" Connor asked the man. His dad just had a heartwarming look on his face.

"Really, Connor? I don't deserve to be called your dad. I've been nothing but horrible to you."

"But you're still my dad. You raised me right, I just happened to be a huge disappointment. You want me to date a girl, but I'm into guys; you want me to be a doctor, but I suck at Biology; you want me to be tough, but I'm not as tough as Lewie. I get it, dad. I'd be mad too if I were in your shoes."

His dad just look a long sigh. Well, this is going to be a long night.

"I didn't want you to end up like me. Look at me, Connor. There's nothing about me that I could brag to other people. The only thing I could brag about is my children, but your mum and I raised you both."

"Don't you mean child, dad? Lewie's got everything. I've got nothing but disappointment."

"I was wrong, kid." His dad told him, then Connor just looked at him - totally confused of what his father meant.

"You didn't become everything I wanted you to be, but I don't care. I was so horrible towards you, but you still chose to call me your dad. Lewie ignored you most of the time, but you took him to the hospital when no ambulance was available and we could've lost him. You always look on the positive side of everything. You've done a lot of good things, my son, and I was too blind to see it." His dad let out a small tear.

"I know that this will be very hard for you to accept, but I humbly ask for your forgiveness for every stupid thing that I've done towards you. I'm sorry for being a horrible father. I'm sorry for looking over such a great kid. I'm sorry for breaking your guitar. Everything I did, Connor, I humbly apologise for all of it." His dad said as a concluding statement, and he opened his arms wide. Connor accepted his arms and gave him a hug.

"I love you so much, dad. Of course I'll forgive you for everything." Connor told him as he started crying, as well. It was basically a wet hug, not because it was raining, but because they were both in tears.

"Come with me, I want to show you something." His dad said when he pulled away from Connor. Connor nodded his head and followed his dad to the backseat of his car.

"I knew you'd love this." His dad told him, then he opened the backseat. There was a guitar case sitting on top of it, and Connor had his eyes wide open in surprise.

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