Chapter 31

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~ BRAD ~

That night, he just tossed and turned in his bed. He couldn't sleep even if he wanted to. He looked at his clock, and to his surprise, it was already really late at night. He got up from his bed and put on a coat over his pyjamas, then he went downstairs and grabbed his keys from the hook where it hung.

He went outside to his car and gave it the 'quiet headstart', then he drove to his thinking park. Once he got there, he saw that he was not alone. There was another person sitting on the grass. He climbed out of his car and slowly went towards the person. He could be a stranger, for all he knew.

When he went closer to the person, he realised that the person wasn't a stranger at all - that he was actually someone awfully familiar.

"I thought I told you not to make this your thinking park, as well?" Brad told him in the wittiest tone possible, then the boy turned around and looked at him.

"Sorry, should I leave?" The boy replied. Brad shook his head no and let out a small giggle before sitting next to the boy.

"No, it's really late. It's a dangerous world out there." He told him, then the boy giggled.

"What are you doing here, then?" The boy asked him, and Brad just shrugged his shoulders.

"I couldn't sleep. And, for some reason, I felt a need to go here." He said, then the fluffy-haired boy just nodded his head. The boy knew that this was Brad's thinking park, anyway.

"What about you?" Brad asked him, then the boy let out a sigh.

"My dad kicked me out."

"Oh." Brad replied, not really knowing what to say. "I'm sorry." Brad added, secretly hoping that he was being polite.

"It's alright."

"If you don't mind telling me, why did he kick you out?"

"Well, he found out about the whole kiss with James at the fair. He basically told me how much of an ungrateful son I was, then he went up to my room, smashed my guitar into pieces, then he angrily gave me a rucksack and told me to pack all of my stuff in it and to leave the household. My mum attempted to ease his mind, then Lewie told me to pack for just one night. So, I did, I even have my uniform for tomorrow. The only problem is that I have nowhere to stay in. I walked the whole way here while crying."

"Con, that's awful." Brad told him. Connor just shrugged his shoulders in reply.

"It's alright. On the bright side, it was the first time Lewie and I have talked in ages. I didn't expect him to help me pack."

"Have you told your boyfriend about this?" Brad told him, and Connor gave him a confused look. Brad didn't mean it, but his tone was a little harsh when he said the word 'boyfriend'.

"Boyfriend? I don't have a boyfriend."

"You're not going out with James?"

"Oh, that." Connor told him then he let out a little sigh.

"I honestly don't know what we are. He's a nice guy and all, and he's helped me with my down moments, but I don't think I could consider us as a couple. I don't know, part of me tells me that he's feeling confused."

"Do you love him?"

"As a friend, definitely. As a boyfriend, um, I'm not sure. I don't really know what I feel right now."

"That's okay. Everything will be clearer soon. Just, do the right thing, okay?"

"I'll do it for you, Simpson."

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