Chapter 4

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We got out of the AOMG building and began walking to Starbucks to get coffee. From the corner of my eye, I could see Soo Young actively texting someone. Who could that possibly be?

I was so disturbed by the probability that it might be her boyfriend. However, I told myself not to jump to conclusions. I mean, it could just be her good friend right? I don't have to be paranoid!

"Why do you keep looking at her?" Gray tapped on my shoulder. "Since when did I do that?" I tried to feign innocence. "Along our way here?" He smirked and winked at me as we went in.

Soo Young was busy looking at the menu and she was discussing what she should have with him. I mean, don't they notice my existence?

I was about to get frustrated from the feelings which hit me, but then she asked, "Ssam D 오빠, I'm getting Mocha Cookie Crumble. What are you having?" Aww, she spoke to me.

Looking at me with those eyes, my heart which couldn't take it anymore, started beating faster. It took me awhile to get myself back to reality.

"Ohh, I'll get the same." I smiled and looked away quickly. I knew I was going to blush a lot. "You guys can go sit first while I make the payment." Gray told us as we went to grab a seat.

Shortly after, before I had the chance to have a private conversation with 우리 (it means 'we' and people use it to make it seem like they're close with who they're talking about) Soo Young, Gray came to us and sat down.

While waiting for our drinks to be made, we had a little conversation between the three of us. "Do you like the environment so far?" I asked her. "Yup, I do. You're all very kind!" She mentioned.

I nodded and Gray questioned her, "Why did you choose to audition for AOMG?" She looked as if she was trying to recall why for a moment, but continued to tell us about her life-long dream.

"Ever since I was very little, I've always wanted people to be able to listen to songs I produce and feel relatable to the lyrics. However, my main purpose was to allow others to be able to heal and be happy while listening to my songs. I want to let the world know that it's okay to be sad or whatnot, but the most important thing is to get back on your feet and pursue your dreams. Just like me, I've met with many obstacles while I chased this dream. To be honest, I considered this (auditioning) as my last shot to get into the music industry. I'm really happy that I made it and am now doing what I love." She explained.

I felt that it was very meaningful. Meeting with obstacles, but getting herself back on her feet as she continues to realize her dreams.

"What are your thoughts on the people you've met so far in AOMG?" I asker her next. "Hmm, Jay Park, I think, is the definition hip-hop. Maybe it's because he's from the States, so he kind of has a very laid-back attitude." She said.

After thinking for a while, she said, "Ssam D 오빠 has been idol since forever. I love listening to his songs and his relationship with Gray is friendship goals. Actually, I'm quite a sucker for Busan men. As for Gray 오빠, he's the best producer I've ever come across. Of course, I agree that he's what the fans call 'face of AOMG'. I like his vibe a lot."

Just then, the waitress served us our coffee. I sipped on the drink and I was surprised. I've not tried it until now, but the taste is amazing.

"I've been wanting to ask about the song for the music video. What kind of song is it?" She looked serious as she brought it up to the both of us.

I nodded as I thought for a while before telling her, "My new song will be about a couple having a playful relationship. That summarizes pretty much everything, but you can ask me if you want to know more about it."

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