Disclaimer: I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho, only Chieko, Mie and other characters. The plot is also mine. So enjoy! ^-^?????'s POV
I was cage in a room that is pitch black and cold and I don't like it. In fact I have been in here for as long as I can remember, I haven't seen the outside world yet. For the rest of my life I was I here, in the darkness. I don't even have a name when someone delivered me food they called me wench, bitch, moster, demon, ect. I am lonely none to talk to, in fact I don't even know what I look like I can't even see my hand infront of my face because of the darkness. Please someone, anyone out there please help me.....
I heard an explosion, then another one, and another one. Then a couple of footsteps rushed and stopped infront of the door, I crawled on the corner at least that's what I think it is. I curled my self into a ball, the door burst open, I flinched and closed my eyes shut. Then light came into the room, I looked around and gasped. The room is full of treasure on the opposite side of the room, I didn't knkw that! Then two men came inside one had a raven black hair tied on a low ponytail and he wore a black outfit and the other is wearing a white clothing and unlike the other this man had a ling silver hair and white ears and tail, they scanned the room and eyes landed on me.
"It looks like they have a little gaurd in here Youko" the man smirked
"Yes, I believe you are correct about that" the man Youko I think said as he walked towards me, I keep on moving back from him in fear.
"Go away!" I shouted trembling
"Shut up wench!" He hissed
I got up and pushed him away and made a run for it of course my hair which was surprisingly bright pink didn't help at all, its so long and it went on my ankles. I grabbed my hair and carried it and made a dash as I got outside it was horrible I saw dead bodies everywhere, girls were running for their lives and screaming. I saw a dagger on the side and took it I cut my hair up until my knees and run for it. I mentally stopped when I saw another girl with a purple hair and teal eyes and she had a nasty gash on her right leg and whimpering in pain, I run over her and helped her up. She was shocked at first but didn't complain. We snuk out and into the wood where there are a lake in there. I set her down and rip the sleeves on my kimono and I dipped it into the cool water and proced on cleaning the wounds, it a natural insticnts I guess. I rip the other sleeves and used it as bandage. She was staring at me the whole time though.
"Hi....who are you?" I asked nicely
"I don't have a name" she replied
"Me either, bit you should lie dow I will watch over" I said and she obeyed.
I walked over the lake and stared at my reflection. I have a bright pink hair with ocean blue eyes, I have the same ears the man Youko earlier and small fangs I looked behind and saw a white puffy tail. My eyes widen, how come I didn't notice this before? My hair is still long and sloppily cut I got the dagger out and trimmed it straight, I rip the extras sleeve and braid my hair into a messy one because I didn't know how to and tied it tightly. I heard rustling of the bushes and then a bunch of men jump out surrounding us, my instinct kick it and jump infront of the purple haired girl in a fighting stance protecting her. Then the two men earlier walked casually infront of me, I growled like a feral animal my fangs showing out my hair turned into silver and my eyes turned into gold.
"Who are you and what do you want?! Go away!!!" I snarled, they gasp in surprise and shock
"The rest of you go back to the hide out Kuronue and I will handle this" Youko said calmly, the men left leaving only the four of us.
The man Youko walked closer as I gave hima warning growl. Just them vines shot up and pinned my arms and legs to the ground taking me by surprise. I gasp in shock and my hair and eyes went back to normal, I struggled like crazy trying to break free.
"You knkw its pointless to struggle now" he deadpan at me
"Lose me!" I snarled
"Wow she is fierce" the man Kuronue I think he chuckled and walked over op to the purple haired girl earlier, I struggled more.
"Get away from her!" I yelled, then Youko harshly made me face him I gave him a DAMN YOU LET ME GO glare. He smirked and blew a powder on my face I cough and glqred at him as my vision spin and I I staring to get sleepy.....
"Curse you!" I yelled at him he just laughed, I forced my self to stay conscious but I gave in and feel inot the darkness.....
Youko's POV
I watched as the pinked haired girl foght to stay conscious but gave up eventually. I looked over at Korunue, he picked the girl with a maid uniform and purple hair. I carried the girl with a pink hair she is fiesty, her fox ears twitch. I got to admit she is quite a beauty herself her skin is pale her long vibrant pink hair were like the cherry blossom.
"Damn you....." she muttered
"Huh that girl is weird even in her sleep she still curse you" Korunue said amused
"Yeah she is a keeper" I chuckled in amusement.
We arrive on the hide out I took her to the slave/sevants room. I told them when they woke up assigned gave them a bunch of chores to start with. I left before that, Korunue decided to keep the purple haired girl. I have enoigh whores and I don't need another one. About half an hour there was a commotion outside, I opened my door and the pinked haired girl ran passed me followed by a bunch of other thieves chasing after her. I looked over the window and watched. She is good at her attemp to escape.
She leap away from weapon thrown and blast. She avoid them with ease, she flip the other thief that launch at her then kick another one and another. She grabbed the sword and start fight her way, her hair turned silver and her hair turned crimson red. She attacked them with blinding speed, she didn't hurt anyone just knocking them unconscious. She turned back to normal and ran to the directoon of the exit but she was thrown back by Yomi. She growled and got in her fighting stance, I decided to interrupted. I used vines and pinned her into the ground again, she squirm. I syared in amusement and made my way to her.
"Not again!" She struggled
"Its pointless to get away from us wench" I chuckled
"Not you again!" She growled and gave me a death glare
"You know your an animal apparition you can get out if you want you know" I said
"How am I suppose to know that?!?!? Your not the one bieng cage for the rest of your life!!!!!" She shouted, I was shocked and then smirked. I used the vines to wrap her arms and legs together and slung her on my shoulder and began to walk back inside.
"Let me go!!! Damn you I'm not a fish!" She yelled
"Shut up bitch" I growled annoyed
I shove her on my bed and went to the closet and pulled out a collar, it was black with a golden bell on it. I put it on her neck with it was quite a challenge since she want to bite my hand off but I manage.
"Hey! I am not a pet!" She glared
"I will make sure that you wont be able to escape, this collar will shock you if you tried to escape or tried to remove it only I have the power to remove it and that's not going to happen. Now slave get to work!!!" I pointed at the door. She got up and punch on me then the collar glowed and shock her as she fell on her knees gasping....
"Your such an ass!" She hissed and slamed the door. I grinned at the door where she stood earlier. This will be fun.

Twisted Love || A Yu Yu Hakusho Story (Kurama Love Story) Book 1||
Fanfiction"You will pay for what you have done to me" That's what I always remind myself as I almost turned the 3 worlds upside down just to find the one and only Youko Kuram. I swear you will pay..... Guys once again this is the story of GoddessOfD...