Chapter 7 Your Friend is Our Enemy?!

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Disclaimer: I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho, only Chieko, Mie and other characters. The plot is also mine. So enjoy! ^-^

Chieko's POV

            Morning came and we have a day off with the fight. Me, Kurama, Mie and Hiei were watching the match taken place. Bui is strong even though I can't sense his spirit energy I can smell it and its dangerous, Shu is a strong one too and preferred close combat, Drey is quite difficult he finnished his opponents with out efforts whatsoever, and Karasu is dangerous also his opponents exploded with out even touching them. He looked over to our attention and looking amused then raised his brow at me as he spotted Kurama, I raised my middle finger at him as he glared.

"That is not a lady like" Mie said

"Nah....Karasu is an asshole but he is still my friend, he might not be the best but he is quite funny at times" I said chuckling

"Y-You mean that the enemy is your friend?!" Mie almost screamed

"Yes and I entended to fight him of we get to the finals he might kill you all" I said not caring.

"Yeah well...." Kurama was cut off by Yusuke and the others arrived.

            I felt a fading life source and it fainting. I looked over at Mie and we both got an eye contact saying that you felt it too we nodded and excused ourselves leaving the others confused. I faced Mie she got a serious look on her face.

"You felt it too right?" I asked her

"Yes and he or she is in trouble" Mie said urgently, the others are heading towards us. Me and Mie sprint and ran away from them.

            After a while I turned into my wolf form I still haven't learned how to transformed into my fox form so wolf form for now. Mie climbed on my back as we took off following the life source.

            Damn this island! Why does it have to be huge?! This person is also well hidden, I keep on serching. I didn't realized a branch and it hit Mie on the head, I whinned saying sorry and she nodded. I was getting tired but I pushed myself to keep going, who ever this person is he or she needs help and fast! I pushed myself to go, I looked over my back to see Mie was getting exhausted. I prepared to stop as I stop fully I turned back to my normal form.

"Come on its dark we should take some rest we will continue it tomorrow at dawn" she nodded and sat on the foot of the tree, I rose my brow at her.

"No we can't sleep on the ground, we are sleeping on the branches" I said

"Why?" She asked

"Its not safe, there could be any demons lurking" I said

"Your right" she sighed as she began to climb up.

            I leap after her and landed on the branch higher than hers. I wrap some vines on her incase she rolls off again, she was asleep. I leaned my back on the bark and closed my eyes letting darkness took over......

            Dawn came when I woke up. I woke Mie up as we continue our search, it took us hours and the source is fading. And finally we arrived infront of a cave, we rushed inside. We found a human there and he was dying, Mie rushed to his side telling him we are going to save him and his students. I took off my hood and handed it to him not saying anything, he gratefully took it as we help him get out of the freezing cave. I saw Hiei and Kurama on the entrance,  Kurama rushed to us and helped. I am confused why are they here, they explained to us on what happened I nodded.

             I changed into my wolf form and grew even bigger enough to fit the four of them, they were shock except Mie. She quickly climbed on then they followed.

"Hold on!" Mie yelled

            I took of running then leap from tree to tree and finally into the air gliding (like what Kilala does on InuYasha) I did my best to fly as fast as I can. About half an hour we arrived just enough time, I left them with the robot but Mie and the Sensie is still on my back and took him to a safe place. Then I dropped the missing fighter of Team Ichigaki and it crashed into the wall of seats, how unfortunate.

            Not too long the robot also came crashing down with Hiei and Kurama dropped down and landed on the robot we dropped also I landed on the robot's head with Mie beside me, I was back on my normal form. We watched the fight staring at the students the man was talking about earlier. I felt sorry for them and I felt anger rising towards the ugly Dr. Genkai who is the masked fighter her mask was removed and she was on her teenage form or young age. And Yusuke and Kuwabara were beaten to a pulp, the crowed were shock at our grand entrance. I crossed my arms and my tail flickered behind me.

"The missing fighters of the Team Urimeshi have appeared. Hiei, Mie, Kurama and The Silent One? Look at that folks her hood was removed from her! Wow she have a body of a goddess! I am envious......can you tell us where have you been?" Koto asked

"Sorry, a thirty foot killing machine wanted a word with us" Hiei replied

"M5 told us everything. I'm relieve your three are still alive, those veruki on the humans fighters back are the source of Dr Ichigaki's mind control. And their present state I'm afraid it would be fatal to remove them, they we informed that it was blood research" Kurama explained

Time skip

            Okay I am pretty pissed of right now. Our team has to fight again without even freaking half an hour rest! Damn those comette. I will kill them if I must! The team we will be fighting is Team Masho they are the Shinobis of the demon world, two of them are my friends Jin the master of wind and Toya the master of ice.

Another time skip

            For some reasons my heart tighten as I remembered Kurama being beat up to a pulp earlier. This feeling really confused me....what is it?

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