Chapter 9 Truth Hurts and Karasu's Plan

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Disclaimer: I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho, only Chieko, Mie and other characters. The plot is also mine. So enjoy! ^-^

Chieko's POV

"Okay so the Team Urameshi is short for two fighters this time folks!" And here comes Koto's commentary.

It was only me, Kurama, Hiei, Mie and Kuwabara since Genkai and Yusuke were doing the last training of Yusuke under Genkai.

"What's that supposed to mean? I said I'm taking them all myself!" Kuwabara yelled. Me and Mie sighed, me and Mie are extremely close like we were sisters and I love it that way

"I thought we agreed on a good fight....what happened to the rest of you team?" Shishi asked, Kuwabara was about to reply but I beat him to it.

"Shut up already and lets do it" I gave him hand signals, he gave me a glare as I glared back under my mask.

"It's time to choose the conditions for your fight" said Juri breaking our intense glaring competition

"You're a hasty one aren't you boy?" Momotaru commented while slurping with a gum. Ewww that's disgusting.....

"I take it you are frighting first" he finished blowing a bubble.

"That's right I am. First, last and only. I have been pissed and under too mush strees lately. Killing you all should be a good remedy" Hiei said, Mei turned to stare at him with unreadable expression

"Fate makes her choice" Shishi threw the dice

And the first match woul be Hiei vs Makintaro. We walked back to the sidelines. The fight began in an untrained eye all you could see is Hiei just pulled out his sword and standing there, but I could easily keep up with him I could see him perfectly.

"That's very impressive" Kurama said, ever since yesterday I felt awkward around him. Everytime he wanted to talk about yesterday I would easily change the subject.

Hiei was the winner of the fight. Shishi rolled the dice once again. It landed on Kuro Momotaru and a free space. Hiei bieng Hiei took the free space. Momotaru stood there chewing his gum, he talked to Onji I think then faced off Hiei.

Kuro's action is confusing and stupid, if it was stupid in the first place. He dropped the sword and pulled out one of the balls from his belt.

"This is the steaming sphere that seals your fate" Kuro says to Hiei

"I don't know what that is but he doesn't make it sound very good" Kuwabara said.

He crushed inhaling the steam that came from it. We wait for Kuro's next move, and the sphere's effects. He laughed as he started to grow hair....wait what?

"Beast Armor! Armor of the ape! What do you think Hiei?" Kuro laughed. Everyone stared at Kuro who looked like an ape, everyone but Violet she had her thinking face on trying to solve the puzzle.

"Those sphere's must contain some sort of animal properties that transformed him once consumed" Kurama

"I'd rather destroy you with my own hands anyways" he said jumping out of sight.

Kuro was faster than that though, making contact with his attacks sending Hiei across the ring colliding with the stand walls.

"He's in trouble....." Kurama trailed off.

Hiei walked towards the stage there was a "Kill Hiei" chant from the crowd.

"WILL ALL OF YOU SHUT UP!!!" Mie roared at the crowed it is cleared that she was pissed off bynthe chanting then everyone was quite

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