Chapter 10 Chieko's Decision

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Disclaimer: I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho, only Chieko, Mie and other characters. The plot is also mine. So enjoy! ^-^

Chieko's POV

            I keep on walking aimlessly. After I talked to Karasu I left with out a word, I really want revenge badly! But I can't do it infront of Yukina, damn that fox! I growled under my breath, I flew up and I planned on leaving the island. But as soon as I was about the sea water and just a few distance from the island an unknown force knocked me back and my back slammed on the cliff wall. I saw Jin fought someone as I fell into the water, but before I hit the water I black out.


I was in a field with flowers all around, I saw a girl with a bright pink hair and blue eyes with fox ears and a wolf tail. There was a woman beside her with bright pink hair and golden eyes with white fox ears and nine tails. There is also a man beside her he had white messy hair and blue eyes with wolf ears and tail. They are smiling and spending time with each other, I looked closer at them but the scenery changed.

I saw the littke girl again playing with the flowers on the garden, I walked closer to the girl. She looked up and smiled I think, her face is blur all I could see was her eyes. I heard an explosion as I turned my head and the girl ran passed me and went inside the house, but once she does I followed when I heard the girl screamed.

"MOM!!!! DAD!!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!!! DON'T LEAVE ME OPEN YOUR EYES!!!!" She screamed as she cried on the dead corpse of her parents. Then two men wity black mask took tye girl and dragged her, she was crying and thrashing around.

"NO!!! Let me go! My parents! I won't leave them! " she shouted, I ran after them. Them the girl got herself freed and ran back but as she ran the house exploded and crumbled down, the girl was thrown off her feet and cried her eyes out on the ground. The man came up to her and hit her head, they carried her to and took off......

The scenery changed again. I was in some kind off a dark room, I could see perfectly now. I saw the girls again in the corner, crying. She looks borken and scared. Then I think the girl is growing and it turned out it was me, and the door burst open revealing Youko and Korunue. I gasp, are these my memories? Tears fell as I covered my mouth and I fell on my knees and cried.

Dream End

I jolt and quickly sat up panting as I put a hand on my chest. Beads of sweat are dripping on my head, tears are running down my cheeks. My parents they're.......... dead? I put my hand on my face as I cried harder. I heard the door opened and closed, I quickly wiped my tears and looked up to see Kurama with a sad expression. I gave him a blank stare and looked away from him, I heard him sighed. He sat on the side of the bed, he gently grabbed my shoulders and made me face him.

"Chieko.....please let me explain" he begged

".......No......" I said coldly and glared at him, he shook his head.

"Its not that I played with you, its just that......"

"What? To see me suffer like before? You enjoyed it right?" I laughed bitterly

"No! Its not like that--" he was cut off when the door opened revealing Botan, Kurama gave her an annoyed look as I glared at her. She must've felt the intense atmosphere when she nervously laughed rubbing the back of her neck.

"Oh sorry to interrupt....I'll come back later" she said nervously and quickly left the room.

"As I was saying.....I didn't want to lie to you, its about my human mother" he said, this caught my attention. Mother?

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