Disclaimer: I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho, only Chieko, Mie and other characters. The plot is also mine. So enjoy! ^-^Chieko's POV
We are currently waiting for Yusuke and Miei with the substitute fighter to show up demons around us keep on staring at me. I was on my usual clothes with my hood and mask, I turned my heads to the demons as they looked away pretented to be busy with something.
"I can't believe The Silent One is here" demon one whispered
"I didn't even believe that the story says she's ruthless killing machine, she looks like a helpless human girl in custom I can even sense her energy" demon two whispered back
"Yeah, rumors going around that when you heard her talk conseder yourself lucky if she let you live" demon three said
"Wow look at all this freaks whispering about you Chi--" I cut him of by zipping his mouth shut, he glared at me I remove it
"Kuwabara I don't think its wise to call her by her real name just call her Silent" Kurama said staring at me, I nodded and went over Kurama grabbing his wrist and pulled him to the corner out of earshot.
"Look I'm sorry for treating you guys like trash on our last encounter, its just that...."
"I understand but I promised Youko I would never tell anyone where he is" he said, I stared at him
"I respect your decision besides I don't think your in the posistion to spit anything out" I chuckled
"Youko mention you but his description was abit different you used to have pink hair thats what he told me but your hair is teal, why is that?" He asked
"Lets just say I look better in this hair color" I replied
"You look even more beautiful when your hair is pink" he muttered which I heard
"I'm sorry did you say something?" I asked, his eyes widen as his face turned red
"Nothing! It...it was n-nothing!" He stuttered as his face turned red, I laughed at him and shook my head walking back to our team mates as Hiei attacked on Yusuke he was even better than before.
We are currently on the boat, I was getting sleepy with Genkai's training so I sat next to Yusuke and leaned my head on his shoulder as he lean his head on my head. Mie smirked while eyeing Kurama's reaction Kuwabara had a stupid grin on his face, Hiei had a smug look and gave Kurama a teasing look, Kurama was annoyed or pissed about something and busy glaring at Yusuke. Say what? Is that jealousy? I'll tease him later right now....I'm sleepy. I felt myself drift off to sleep.
I woke up when some suddenly moved then my lap felt heavy, I opened my left eye to see Yusuke sleeping on my lap. I sneak a glance on Kurama now he is really pissed off, I shrug it off as I went back to sleep. Now too long before I heard screaming.....
"URIMESHI WHERE HERE GET UP!!!!!!" I heard Kuwabara screamed which startled me. I jolted awake transforming my scarf into an axe and aim it ready to throw
"Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Its me! Don't kill me!" Kuwabara said, I lowered my weapon down.
"Kazuma?! What in the nine realms are you doing?! Startling me like that I could behead you in a blink of an eye!" I yelled
"I'm sorry!" He said, Mei laughed as Hiei sniggered, Kurama chuckled. I trasformed my weapon into an axe once again. I still felt tired, Mie was too. Hiei and Kuwabara are bickering about something pointless, I rest my back on a tree and Mie sat next to me. And once again darkness took over.

Twisted Love || A Yu Yu Hakusho Story (Kurama Love Story) Book 1||
Fanfiction"You will pay for what you have done to me" That's what I always remind myself as I almost turned the 3 worlds upside down just to find the one and only Youko Kuram. I swear you will pay..... Guys once again this is the story of GoddessOfD...