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Harry's POV

I lay down on the sand. I stare up at the clouds with tears streaming down my face. Even though I didn't die on that plane, I will die out here. It's no use. The thought of what I could've done to not be on that plane.

I see a shadow next to my body. I flinch as I sit up. I wipe the tears from my face.

It's a little girl.

"H- how did you get here...?" I ask a little surprised.

I shake the sand off damp hair.

The little girl stays quiet. She slightly turns her body, and points toward the water.

"What's out there sweetie?" I ask, looking over.

My eyes widen as I see someone lying down on the shore.

"Wh-what?" I say, stumbling as I quickly try to stand.

I run over and kneel down next to the girl on the ground. I try my best not to look at the plane, not too far out in the sea.

The water coming and going, I turn the girl over....wow...she's-... fit. Aha. Um...wow.

"Um...hello...?" I say shaking her arm.

Her eyes continue to stay shut.

"Crap." I say under my breath.

"Um...ok uh it's ok you don't need to wake up...um" I say kinda panicking.

Is-...is she dead...? What do I do...?

I put my head to her heart.

She's not dead...she's got a heartbeat.

I feel someone touch my shoulder. Again, I flinch.

It's the little girl again. I think I scared her when I flinched haha.

"Sorry." I laugh.

"Alright...um, do you know her?" I ask the kid.

She doesn't answer me.

"Erm...ok." I say.

I see the luggage next to her. How did she manage to like...get that over here...? I mean, I was able to bring my backpack with clothes...this...haha uh this is like...impressive I guess...

I pick up the girl bridal style, and somehow grab the luggage.

The woman is surprisingly small, so it wasn't such a challenge.

The little girl follows me as I bring the woman and bag up over where I was before.

I lay the girl down on the sand.

"She your mum?" I ask the little girl.

The little girl doesn't answer.

"She does look too young to be a mother..." I say.

Hopefully she isn't her mum...

"Well I guess we should wait for her to wake up...whats your name?" I ask the little girl.

She doesn't answer me and just sits down on the sand next to me.

"Why don't you want to talk?" I ask kindly.

She shrugs her shoulders.

I gasp playfully and say

"You responded! So you can hear me silly!" I say tickling her stomach.

She's got a real cute laugh.

"Shall we do something?" I ask.

The little girl smiles and nods.

"How about....ooh! Let's build a sandcastle!" I say.

I stand up and walk over to another spot. I get down onto my knees as the little girl walks over.

"Alright. Let's get started." I say smiling.

We begin building a sandcastle for a bit, but We got a little carried away halfway through.

The girl takes my headband, holding some of my hair back, off my head and puts it on herself.

"Well, where are you going with that?" I say laughing and chasing her as she runs around our "sandcastle in progress"

I grab her and hold her up and spin around. She seems to like that. I hold her to my side and she takes my headband.

"That's mine silly" I say smiling as the girl giggles.

The little girl still hasn't spoken, but I feel like I'm getting closer. She does laugh a lot. And is VERY ticklish. I'll probably have her speaking soon.

Haha, sorry for Harry's awkwardness. He gets better I promise. Please vote and comment.

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