15. He Already Has

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Chapter 15: Spencer's POV
My mum brings me a cup of tea and sets it next to me on the kitchen table.

"Spens, you got here last night and you're still filling this out. Just give yourself a break" she tells me.

"I can't. I don't get Sidney back until I finish filling these out." I say continuing to write.

"Well, have you looked at any flats yet?" She asks me.

"I haven't had time to." I say.

"I could look for you. There might be some somewhere around here." She says.

"I don't want to live in Durham mum." I say.

"So you're going to live in Holmes Chapel where you'll probably run into David a lot?" She asks.

"I won't run into him a lot." I say.
She sighs.

"You're twenty one, single, and adopting a child. Spencer are you going to be able to do all this...?" She asks.

"I'll be fine mum. I mean, you never know...maybe I'll meet someone in Holmes Chapel." I say.

"Doesn't Harry live in Holmes Chapel?" My mum asks.

I smile and nod my head.

"Is- is he the reason you want to move there...?" She asks.

I turn to her.
"Kinda" I say.

She smiles.
"He does seem like a sweet boy." She says.

"And him and Sidney literally love each other. It's perfect." I say.

"Woah woah woah. Hold on, sweetie. You first have to have him fall in love and stuff." She says.

"Oh he already has." I say.

"What happened on that island...?"
She asks me.

My phone rings.
I smirk at her and then begin walking out of the room.

"Hello?" I say into the phone.

"Hey...erm is this Spencer?" I hear a low familiar voice say.

"Is this Harry?" I ask.

He laughs.
"Yeah- haha hey," he says.

I can tell in the sound of his voice that he's smiling.

"So what's up?" I ask.

"Oh um I was just wondering if you were still in Holmes?" He asks.

"Oh um...yeah actually...I am" I lie.

"Really? Sweet. Um do- do you wanna like do something sometime?" He asks.

"Yeah sure!" I say licking my lips.

"Um maybe like lunch?" He asks.

"Yeah that sounds great" I say.

"Sweet. How about this afternoon?" He asks.

"Today?" I ask.

"Yeah. Unless that's a problem..." He says.

"Oh no, that's not a problem. Could you just text me the address to where we're going. I'm new to this place haha." I say.

"Oh yeah sure. So I'll see you around like 12:30?" He asks.

"See you then," I say smiling and hang up.
I walk back into the kitchen, where my mum was.

"Who was that?" She asks.

"Harry, actually. We're having lunch this afternoon." I say.

"In Holmes?" She asks.

I nod.

"Well you better leave now if you want to get there love" she says.

"Crap you're right" I say and run into my room.
I grab some clothes and my makeup bag. I'll just do everything in the car.

{A/N Heyyyy (;
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Idk why I'm using so many smiley faces.. (:

I'm now obsessed with 'The Secret Life Of The American Teenager' RICKY IS JUST SO.. YUM OMF. 😍😘

Please help get My Brothers Best Friend to 2K reads(:
It's at like 1.4k I think.

MKAY BYE(: Xx Tasha}

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