Chapter 2 ♥ Watch This

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12:30 hit and Bahja finished bringing the last of her pink luggage downstairs. A sudden rush exerted through her body as she dropped the pink, glittery tote bag by the front door.

She took her phone out from her pocket and called Princeton.

"Hello?" He answered in a tired voice.

"Get up. I want to buy a gun." She said, sounding delirious.

Princeton paused for a second and looked at his phone weirdly. "What? Bahj, have you been drinking!"

"No, silly. I'm just being a risk-taker. And I want a gun."

He sighed, thinking Bahja was just on one of her rampages again. "I was asleep, Bahja, I'll call you later."

"Wait!" She yelled.

"What?" He hissed.

"I am actually serious. I could send you a picture of my bags right now. I- I was planning on moving out because I already know my mom will freak out knowing that I have a gun." She said in a whisper.

"Are you serious?"

"Yes! I'll send you one right now!" She said, convincingly.

Just by the way she was talking, Princeton knew she wasn't bluffing.

"Bahja, you can't buy a gun!" He yelled through the phone.

"Why shouldn't I? You don't think responsible enough?" She said with an attitude.

"For one, you're under aged. You're sixteen! You could get you AND your parents in huge trouble!"

Bahja leaned to the side and rolled her eyes. The one time she tried doing something risky, someone was trying to stop her. This annoyed her even more than getting teased because of it.

"Listen, Prince, thanks for your help, but I got this."

"Wait a minute.. Why do you even want a gun?" He asked, confused.

She froze for a minute, and stared at the walls. What would he say if she to him the real reason why? He might tell someone and get her caught.

"Hellooo..?" He said.

"Oh.. Yeah, umm.." She cleared her throat and swallowed. "Prince, I'mma be honest with you. I want to play Russian roulette."

"WHAT?" He screamed. Bahja jumped a little from the bass in his voice.

"You want to play Russian roulette?! Bahj, are you CRAZY?!"

"No! You showed me the video in the first place. What's so wrong about it?

There are six places and only one bullet. If God really loved me, and wanted me to survive, then he will make the bullet miss."

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