Chapter 9 ♥ Surprise!

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A$ap noticed that she was at the door for a while, and stepped out the kitchen.

"What's the problem?" He asked as he walked closer, removing his kitchen mittens.

"No! It's nothing.." Bahja mumbled, quickly turning to A$ap.

Princeton scoffed and crossed his arms back together.

"Okay, listen... I'm not sure if you know about this, but this girl is addicted to Russian roulette." He told A$ap. "And I saw that gun over there. My dude, I'm trying to tell you right now, that she is a fool." He laughed.

A$ap exchanged a strange look to Bahja and lifted up his left eyebrow. "Bahja? You're addicted to Russian roulette? What is wrong with you?!" He asked in a surprised voice. Bahja raised her eyebrows up and shook her head. "What- A$ap, you were just- I just told you- wait... What are you trying to do?" She stuttered.

"I'm not trying to do anything!" He lied.

Princeton snatched Bahja's arm and pulled her out the house, causing her to stumble in her high heels and her hair to fall out of place. "Come on." He grunted.

He gave A$ap a "thank you" grin and headed out to his car.

"Oh, and to that gun on the floor... I honestly thought it was fake." He lied once more.

"It's totally fine." Princeton sighed.

He tugged on Bahja's forearm some more, making her stumble over some more. She looked back at A$ap and saw him grinning. "I'm coming back for you.... don't worry." He mouthed. She didn't say or do anything back; considering the fact that Princeton was literally dragging her in the parking lot.

Once they made their way into the car, Princeton snatched his seat belt an jammed it into the hole.

"I can't BELIEVE you right- you know what? I'm not even going to say anything." He said, calmly.

"You can't just expect me to get over something so quickly! Just like YOU like fucking girls on tour, I like playing my game." Bahja yelled.

He drove off and took deep breaths, preventing himself from completely going off on her. The whole drive back, they didn't say anything to each other. It was quite strange for Bahja. She'd made him pissed off at her a couple of times while they were living together, but this time, he looked like he was done. Totally done.

Anyways, she was angry at another person for ratting her out. Someone she thought she could trust. Roc.

When they made it back home, Princeton unlocked the door and quickly shut it straight in her face.

That was the last straw.

Bahja gasped very loudly then punched the door into the wall. "Princeton, you cunt!" She screamed while tying her hair up. "I'm SICK OF YOUR SHIT." The look on her face explained it all. She lunged onto his back, knocking him into the kitchen table. His face hit the top of the marble counter, causing his nose to immediately swell. "FUCK! ROC, COME HERE!" He screamed.

"Don't ask for Roc's damn help! Take this ass whooping like the boy you wish you were!" She firmly gripped his afro. He screeched a little as he backed into the wall, causing her to slam also since she was still on his back. She winced from the impact, but still clanged onto his hair.

From the tugging and pulling on his scalp, he couldn't take it anymore. Princeton finally grabbed her two shoulders and flipped her all the way into the air, straight onto the wooden table in the middle of the living room. "Damn.." She groaned in a low voice, along with the loud bang that. Princeton stood over here, breathing heavily and holding his nose with both of his hands. Suddenly, he felt a rush over him, telling him to knock her out.

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