Chapter 5 ♥ I Didn't Know It Was The Serious

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Two Months Later Princeton found himself a job at the McDonald's they were at that night at week after sleeping on the streets. They bought a nice condo an hour away from Bahja's house. He promised to do all of the work as long as Bahja would maintain a decent job at a local dollar store. "You're ready to go to work?" Princeton smiled as he straightened his hair net. "Yes!" She cheered as she grabbed her pink purse on the door handle. They made their way downstairs, and grabbed both of their lunches Bahja had made for them the night before. "Stir fry?" Princeton giggled before looking into the brown bag. "Stir fry!" She smiled. "Great. I love your cooking so much. Even better than my mom's." He grabbed her cheek and planted a soft kiss on it before backing up a little to take a look at her gorgeous face. "I'm so glad we've made up. I'm sorry for being a dick, but you have to understand that I was only trying to help you." "That's fine, Prince." She said in an unsure voice. "I understand." She backed away from him a little, rubbing both her lips together nervously. "You okay?" He asked. "Yeah. I just... I was.. Could we go to work?" She stuttered, letting out a long sigh. Princeton raised an eyebrow and squinted his eyes down at her. "Okay..." He decided to let it go. She was a girl and she did have periods with mood swings. They made their way outside, and hugged before going their opposite ways. "Be safe!" He yelled, fainting into the distance. "Okay!" She smiled back. When Princeton was completely gone, she took off her apron and threw it in the bushes. "Come on, Manny!" She loudly whispered as she dug through her pockets for her house keys. Manny, the guy she met on Craigslist, hopped out behind the tree. "What's up!" He smiled as he wrapped his arms around Bahja's skinny shoulders. "I've missed you." "Yeah, keep it quiet. Do you have the guys?" "They're on their way. I was thinking, we could probably... you know?" He made a sneaky smile and lowered his eyes onto her. "Good lord, Manny! I just saw you last week and we had sex. Now you want some again?" She scoffed as she finally opened the house door. He shut the door behind them and sat on the couch. "I just really missed you. I've been waiting every night to make love to you for the last seven days. Why do you even have to hide from this cat?" Bahja bent down in the refrigerator to get an apple. She threw it over to him and sat beside him. "It's a long story. Just know that he can't know that I'm doing this." She sighed. Bahja's obsession with Russian Roulette grew so much, that she went online and found guys to play it with her. She met Manny from one of the games she played, and immediately she couldn't stop talking to him. They built a secret relationship behind Princeton's back and visited each other every weekend when she would have random games of Russian roulette with a bunch of strangers. "Manny, you know Princeton can't find out about us. He will flip." Manny took a bite from the plump apple and gave her a disappointed look. "Why? Is he your boyfriend?" "No! He thinks he's my boyfriend... but I don't have any feelings for him.." She lied. Manny smiled and gave her a tight hug. "Good. Because I would hate to have to kill a brother." He laughed, taking another bite into the apple. Honestly, Bahja was catching feelings for Princeton and she was falling harder than him than she thought she ever would. When Princeton stood up for her that day and tackled that man in the bar from hurting her, she saw a different side of him. A guy who would protect her and stick up for her whenever. Manny did the same, but not like Princeton. And when a guy stood up for her, she couldn't help but catch feelings for him. Ten minutes later, their conversation was interrupted by several knocks on the front door. "I got it." Bahja said as she gently touched Manny's leg and walked over to the door. She looked through the peephole and instantly became excited. "It's the guys!" She screamed. "Open the door then!" Manny laughed. "I am, I am!" She took a deep breath and twist the knob. There were four asian men in t-shirts and khaki shorts. They took their sunglasses off simultaneously and smiled. "Hello. I am Zonni Frank. And these are my friends, Loi, Miho, and Carter." He pointed at each of them. Bahja slapped the both of her hands together and propped her shoulders up. "Okay! I am Bahja! Nice to meet you all! Come in and I'll uh... fix you something to drink." They made their way in and sat at the couch across from Manny's. He waved his hand at them with a welcoming smile. They all made a fake smile back. "Act cool, fools. You all look too serious." Zonni hissed. They all shook their heads back at him and sat back on the couch to look casual. Bahja finally was done making them all, including Manny, iced teas in five large glasses. She carried them on a tray and laid them down on the glass table in the middle of the living room. "How are you guys feeling today?" "Fine, fine. We're excited to play this.... this.. how do you pronounce?" Zonni asked with his thick Vietnam accent. "Russian Roulette." She laughed. "Oh, yes!" He cheered as he clapped his hands together one time. Manny gave him a weird look while slowly taking another bite into his apple. "I'll go get the revolver. Drink some of your drinks and loosen up!" She smiled. "Okay, we will." Bahja ran up the steep, twisty stairs and quickly grabbed the gun from out of her top drawer. It was hidden under several layers of her underwear. Once she went back downstairs, she saw that the men and Manny were having a normal conversation. She quietly walked in front of them with the gun hanging down from her right hand. Zonni glanced at her and jumped out of his seat. "What do you have that for?!" He gasped. "To play the game. You... you didn't know that you had to use a real gun in order to play it?" She stuttered with a confused facial expression. Zonni cocked his mouth open and looked back at the men. They all shrugged their shoulders out of confusion. "O-oh... You play with real gun?" "Yeah! You put it to your head and you hope like hell that you don't blow your brains out. Here, I'll show you." She put the gun to her head, and the men all watched with a curious eye. She closed her eyes, and pulled the trigger. Manny shook a little from the loud popping noise. "You got it?" She smiled. They gave her a blank stare then looked at the gun. "You are committing suicide?" Carter, one of the men, asked. "I'm not trying to kill myself." She laughed. "It's a game. I don't want to kill myself, but I may." "Ah, I see." Zonni nodded. "That's great! You want me to go first? Or you?" "I'll go, sweetheart." Zonni took the gun and stared at it for a while, spinning it around in his hand. What he and his guys wanted to play, was not Russian Roulette. It was nothing she would ever imagine happening to her. It wasn't a game. What they wanted to do, was rape her and ship her body off to a few cannibals they owed. When she gave him the gun, that led her to be even more vulnerable then she had already been. He took her only weapon that would even be able to protect her. "Have you ever played this?" She asked, interrupting his thoughts. He looked up from the gun to her clueless and innocent face. She was the perfect slim size, and had long, colorful hair. It was an easy target. He shot her a rather disturbing smile, and focused his eyes back on the gun. "Why, no..." He laughed. "But this is going to be the ending for you." "Huh?" She said, raising her eyebrows. Zonni slowly lifted the gun up, pointing directly to he face. Manny gasped and backed up on the couch. "What are you doing!" He yelled. "Shut up!" Zonni shouted, pointing the gun towards him. "Pink haired, girl, if you take one step towards me or reach for anything, I'll blow your brains out!" He screamed, pointing the gun back to her. Bahja held her hands up to her hand and started breathing uncontrollably. "Please, don't hurt me!" She scried. "Please don't shoot!" "SHUT UP. Now get in your room!" He screamed, waving the gun at the stairs. "Okay, okay!" She proceeded to run upstairs. "WAIT A MINUTE." Zonni yelled, causing Bahja to stop in her tracks. "Y-Yes...?" She stuttered nervously. "Miho, go up there with her. Make sure she doesn't do any crazy things." "Okay!" Miho jumped up from the couch and grabbed Bahja by the arm. "Come on, pink-haired girl." He said, lazily. Zonni watched them run up the stairs, then pointed the gun towards Manny. "Don't think you will get off that easily, Barack Obama." He laughed. "Hey, man! I- I'll leave! Just don't shoot! Please!" Manny begged. "We don't trust you, Barack Obama. GET UP." He yelled, stomping his left foot at him. Manny hopped of the couch and held both of his hands up, bumping into the lamp behind him. "Please, don't shoot!" He yelled once more. Sweat started build up on his face. "Boys, handle him." Zonni said in a low voice with the gun still pointed at him. Loi and Carter went on the opposite sides of his body and grabbed both of his hands. "Hey, get off of me!" He screamed, falling onto the floor. "Make sure he does not get out of this house. I have to handle pink hair up there." *Thirty Minutes Later* "Go faster!" Zonni yelled at Bahja. She whined a little more as she moved her hips at an unbelievable pace. Zonni's eyes closed and he cocked his mouth open from the ecstasy she was causing him. Finally, he gripped her back and flipped them over. He planted his head into her shoulder and jammed himself in her as hard as he could, making sure she felt everything. "GOD!" Bahja shouted out, gripping the sides of the bed. She let out a soft wept from the pain. "Please go slower.." She groaned. "No- I'm almost there!" He moaned. He thrusted into her a couple of more times until he reached his climax. "That's it..." He rolled from the top of her and caught his breath. His insides were still tingling from the amazing orgasm he had gotten. A few minutes later, he was finally able to talk. "Pink hair girl, we have got to do that sometime again-" He paused and glanced at Bahja with a confused face. She was looking straight forward at the TV, with a blank expression. He wasn't sure if he'd just heard shouting downstairs or if it was just his imagination. "Did you hear that?" Bahja didn't respond. Her body sat there in shock from the mortifying pounding she'd receive. "I said did you HEAR THAT?" He smacked her upside the face, making her cringe and weep a little more. "Did you hear it or NOT?" "I... I don't know!" Suddenly, the door was kicked open. "What the FUCK is going on?" Princeton yelled at the top of his lungs. His heart immediately dropped when he saw Bahja with none of her clothes on and a random guy laying beside her. Just when he was starting to catch feelings for her, she decided to have sex with someone in THEIR bed. Bahja's head immediately shot up when she heard his voice. "PRINCE!" She screamed. She kicked Zonni in his penis, and ran up to Princeton. "Please hold me, and don't let me go! You won't believe what happened!" She hugged him right around his waist an buried her head into his chest. He slightly grasped her back and looked down at her. "Bahja, did you have sex with him?" "No! He RAPED me!" She yelled, backing up from his body. "No, I didn't! We were playing Russian roulette!" Zonni exclaimed. "Shut the hell up, you didn't even KNOW what Russian roulette was." "You were playing Russian roulette again?" Princeton asked with his eyes closed. "Princeton- I.. I wasn't playing.. He raped me! You've got to believe me." "Were... you... playing that.... game again?" He asked in an edgy voice, signaling that he was not happy whatsoever. Bahja sighed and let her head down. "I was looking for a partner on Craigslist. .." "SEE!" Zonni smiled. "And she wanted to have sex with me after I said I didn't know what the game was! So we just didn't! I did not rape her at all." He lied. Princeton heard enough of his mouth. He took a pin that laid beside his foot on the floor and hung it up on the air. "Get out of my damn house, or I will cut your ass up. And I'm asking nicely." Zonni wasted no time hopping out of the bed. "Come on guys! We have to go!" The men all ran outside the house behind him in terror. Princeton walked pass Bahja, hitting her shoulder. "Oh, come on, Princeton! You've got to believe me! I was raped!" Princeton proceeded to walk down the stairs, ignoring her every word. After two months of living with her, she lost all signs of wanting to play the game. Then she let him down. He didn't want to hear anything she had to say to him at the moment, or he would of went off. Bahja made it downstairs and saw him chopping up some potatoes violently. "I did want to play the game, I'll admit. But what he did to me was rape. You could even ask one of my friends who was here!" Bahja cried. "Manny! Are you still here?" Princeton stopped chopping and glared at her. "You had a guy friend over here too?" "He's just a friend!" She said while putting her hands out to calm him down. "That's what I get for trusting another girl." He said under his breath, continuing to chip the potato up. "He's just a guy friend, Princeton! Just a friend. He was hiding from them because they literally threatened us with a gun!" She pulled her hair behind her ear and looked to see if he was believing her. The angry, and blunt look in his face as he held his head down at the potatoes told her that he wasn't buying it. "He's gotta be around here. He'll tell you the truth." She sighed. "I don't even want to hear from one of your friends!" Princeton snapped as he stabbed the knife into the potato. He looked up at the light and started laughing. "You know what? Keisha has always told me not to trust any girl with your heart unless you know that she will protect it." He shook his head and looked down at the ground. "She was right. She was so right and I don't know what I would give to go back and not even chase after you." He took the knife and started chopping the potato again. Right there, Bahja could of broke down right in front of him and cried. She would've never guessed how much she meant to him. She didn't realize that he was trying to protect her from doing something stupid. She didn't realize that the guy standing right in front of her was one of the best man in her life besides her dad. She didn't realize any of it, and there she was going behind his back still trying to play that game.

"Prince, I could see why you would hate me." She stuttered. "I don't even know what to say right now..." She stopped and noticed he was wiping his eyes. "Just stop talking." He told her. All of a sudden, a loud bang against the closet door made them jump. "What was that?" Bahja gasped. The closet door opened, and Manny's body fell out. She instantly froze, looking at the yellow grocery bag over his head. "Who in the hell is that?!" Princeton screamed, running from out the kitchen. "Its.... Manny.." She said in low voice. She fell to the floor and brought her head to her knees. "He's gone. He's dead..." She wept. "We've got to call the police and report this, Bahja. What the hell were you doing messing with people like them?"

"I TOLD YOU I WANTED TO PLAY RUSSIAN ROULETTE! I didn't know they would go that far!" "I told you. Don't play that game. You see where it's gotten you? Huh? Do me a favor and don't talk to me again. I'm serious when I say that." He grabbed the house phone off the kitchen table and dialed 911. "Don't talk to me unless it has to deal with the bills or you're dying. Don't fucking talk to me." "Princeton, I-"

"DONT talk to me." He interrupted.

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