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This is chapter1 hope you like it.

Lately I've been dreaming about me and my bestfriend Louis Tomlinson. The dreams sometimes feel real, cause in those dreams we're going out with each other. Louis doesn't even know that I even dream about me and him as a couple. Heck he doesn't even know I'm in love with him, in real life cause I've been keeping it a secret from him. The other guys doesn't even know as well. I just can't put myself to even tell Louis that I love him more than friends. I'm afraid if I told him I'm gay and I love you. He would think I'm joking. So I keep it to my self. I wish I could have Louis to my self, but that may never happen. Louis is not gay like me.

I was in a middle of a really good dream with Louis in it. When all of a sudden there was a voice telling me to wake up.

"Harry, Harry time to wake up. We have an interview to go to soon." Louis said jumping on my bed, trying to wake me up.

"Damn it Lou, I was in a middle of a good dream, just about to kiss..." I said cutting myself off before I accidently tell him that it was him I was just about to kiss in my dream.

"Hazz, who were you just about to kiss in your dream?" Louis asked Wanted to know.

"Lou, you don't need to know. It was nothing. I'll be ready in 5 minutes. So could you go so I can get dress." I said getting up and walked to my draw.

"Yea sure thing Hazz, I been down stairs waiting with the rest of the boys." Louis said as he walked out the door and closed it behind him.

I got dressed and went down stairs and meet up with the boys. And we all left mine and Louis flat, to the interview. So the whole time we were being interviewed. I couldn't stop thinking about that dream. Were I was about to kiss Louis. Once the interview was over. We all went out for pizza. As we ordered our pizza, I looked over at Louis starring at him and I as a couple. A minute later Louis said.

"Harry what you thinking about. Is there something on me?" Louis asked trying to why I'm stairring at him.

"Nothing Lou, I'm going to the bathroom. Be back soon." I said walking fast to the bathroom.

"Ok now that was weird. Don't you guys agree." Louis said as I left.

"Mayba, how should we know."zayn said then took a sip of his drink.

"Oh good the here comes the pizza." Niall said as his eyes got bigger when he saw the waiter bringing our pizza over.

"Niall don't take to many save some for Harry." Liam said elbowing Niall.

When I came back from the bathroom and got the last 6 pieces of pizza. Niall starred at me like a dog waiting for me to be done. So he could eat the rest, or begging for some of my food.

"Niall your not getting any of my food. You already had some. Now this is mine. What are you a dog."I said quickly eating my pizza before Niall grabs a piece.

"What, i'm still hungery."Niall said starring at me.

"Niall if your still hungery order some more to go, and bring it back to the flat to eat. Now let Harry finish his pizza." Zayn said litely stepping on his foot.

Niall ordered himself another pizza to go. Once me and louis got back to the flat of ours. Louis got the mail. While I went up stairs to take a shower. As I was done taking a shower. I walked to my room to get dressed, but as I was about to get dressed. I started to day dream about me and louis.

"Harry can I come in."Louis said smiling.

"Of crouse Lou, come on in. I was just about to get dress. What you want." I said as Lou walked closer to me.

"Hazz I think you know exactely what I want." Louis said then kissed me.

"Boo, I got to get dress. So let me get dress." I said backing away.

5 minutes later I hear Louis laughing at me. That's when I snapped from my day dream, and saw myself kissing my dirty boxers. And Louis looking at me.

"Ha ha, having fun making out with your boxer Hazz?" asked a laughing Louis.

"Sorry not funny Louis, it's gross. It's not good." I said quickly dropping it on the floor.

"So what were you day dreaming about, who were you kissing?" Louis asked trying to not laugh.

"I was not day dreaming. Even if I was it was just about something silly. Now Lou I got to get dress can you please leave." I said not telling him the real truth about what I was really day dreaming about.

"Ok Hazz, whatever you say. But you were day dreaming. Just know i'm going to find out what you were day dreaming about." Louis said as he walked out the door.

Once Louis left, I finally got dress. I couldn't tell Louis I was day dreaming about him and was kissing him. He's my bestfriend he'd think I was joking or something. But any way I went down stairs and sat on the sofa and turned on the tv for a while. About an hour later Louis came down and went into the kitchen, and got a glass water to drink, suddenly there was a knock on the door. I walked over there and opened it up to see Eleanor at the door.

"Hi Harry is Louis home?" Eleanor asked when I opened the door.

"Yea come on in." I said shutting the door as she came in. " Louis Eleanor here to see you." I shouted as I started to go up to my room.

"Coming, oh hi Eleanor whaf brings you here?" Louis asked Eleanor when he walked he walked in the living room.

From my bedroom I could hear Louis and Eleanor talking to each other. Eleanor was telling Louis how much she missed him while she was gone for a month modeling. That she glad to be back. Well for one thing I didn't really like her back. Cause now I won't get a chance to try and get Louis close to realize i'm in love with him. Wait what am I saying I should be happy she's back. Cause now Louis won't be asking me about things like about my day dreams. I just wish Louis was mine and not Eleanors.

-Ok tell me what you guys think of the story so for. Was it good or bad. And also if you liked it tell me what was your favorite part in this chapter. I really hope you guys like it. post comminte and fan post.- (hihiangelgirls)

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