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                                                 This is chapter2 everybody hope you like it.

Louis been  hanging  out with Eleanor for 2 weeks now  since she came back from modeling. He hasn't been around much, which i'm kinda  Miss hanging out with him. Their was a knock on m bed room door. And a voice calling my name.

"Harry, can I come in?" Louis asked out side my door, and I let Louis in.

"what you want, aren't you going to hang out with Eleanor today?" I asked grumpy.

"No she has things to do today, and why are you so grumpy?"Louis asked sitting on my bed.

"I'm not grumpy Lou, and oh god." I said sarcastitly.

"Hazz whats wrong. You seem upset about something."Louis said  looking at me.

"Louis Their nothing wrong with me. I'm not upset." I said getting upset.

Man why does he want to  know so badly  why i'm  upset. He  should already know why. I freakin in love with him. and he hasn't hang out with me for 2 weeks. of course  i'm upset. I  want him to mine not Eleanors. Then all of a sudden I start to cry.

"Haz, come on tell me why are you upset. I can see tears running down your face?" Louis  said and getting off the bed and walked over to me and wiped the tears  off my face.

"Lou your my bestfriend, and I have feeling for... Never mind you wouldn't understand." I said as tears rolled down my face some more.

"Harry the feelings you have for someone, which is the person you dream and day dream about sometimes. It's normal, if you tell that person how you feel about them. They'll understand." Lou said as he hugged me and wipping my tears away.

"You don't understand Lou, I can't tell that person that I love them. Cause it would ruin our friendship. So I have to keep it  to myself. These feelings are not normal, see like I said you don't understand." I said and ran out of my room.

"Harry what are you talking about. How is it not normal." Louis said as I reached the Steps.

I stopped for a second and heard what he said. Then ran down the stairs and out the front door. And went for a walk, to clear my head. Lou I  love you stupid i'm gay. That's  why it's not normal. Maybe when the time is right i'll let him know how I truely feel abour him, for  now he thinks i'm falling in  love with someone else that's not him. Oh how badly I want him to mine to be abe to  tell Louis it and kiss his lips. To lay next to him at night. As I was walking  clearing my head, I ran into Eleanor I told Eleanor sorry. But then I saw she was kissing another guy that wasn't Louis. Eleanor saw me, and ran after me.

"Harry, wait up what you saw was nothing."Eleanor said stopping me.

"Eleanor you call that nothing, I saw you kissing another man. Louis does not deserve you. why are you cheatting on him." I said starting to get angery.

"Harry please don't tell Louis, he doesn't need to find out." Eleanor begged me.

"He doesn't need to find out. Eleanor are you that Stupid, of course he  does. I can't just let what I saw go, you were kissing another man. Which means your cheatting on him. Louis my bestfriend and I care so much about him." I shouted at her.

"Don't tell me you have feelings for him. what are you gay." She laughed.

"No! I just care alot about him, his my bestfriend. If you don't want me to tell him then why don't you tell him yourself." I yelled angry, not letting her know that I was gay. So I lied to her.

I love you Louis TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now