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chapter5 is here and you'll guys gonna  like it and laugh your head off when you read it.

Harry's P.O.V

The boys have heard about the break up, and just hope Louis soon get over it. It had been 3 weeks since it  happened.

Today when I woke up, and went down stairs to the kitchen to make something to eat. I had saw Louis cooking breakfast. I guess he must be over the breakup.

"I see you  must be feeling much better about the breakup." I said as I walked in

"Oh yeah, I'm making eggs and bacon. Would you like some?" Louis said happier the 3 weeks ago.

"Ah yeah thanks. I'm glad you are back to your happy bouncing off the wall self again." I said trying to steal a piece of bacon while he was cooking it.

"Hey! Wait until I'm done cooking." Louis smirked.

"Oh I just want one to hold me over till your done." I said and took one.

"Give me that Hazza." Louis said trying to  grab it from me.

"Nope! Yumm it's now in my stomach." I said quickly putting it in my mouth.

"You sneaky little bacon thief, now go away I'll call ya when it's done." Louis  said and laughed.

I waited for breakfast to be  done, so I decided to go on twitter and I tweeted.

-Ha ha I'm a sneaky little bacon thief! I just stole a piece of bacon while Louis was still cooking the rest. He saw!

10 minutes later after I had tweeted that Louis called me. Breakfast was finally done and I was hungry, we both eat it all. And we were so full from eating as much as we did.

Later that day me, Louis and the rest of the boys went bowling. It was going to be fun, when we got there we got our shoes and ball and paid for 2 games. After we all did that Niall went over to order food.

"Well their goes Niall to get food." Zayn smirked as Niall walked fast to the food court.

"Woo hurray and get your bowling shoes on I'm choking at your stinky feet." Liam said as he caught a whiff of  Louis feet. When Louis took them off to put on his bowling shoes. And Liam eyes were watering up.

"Ha ha, Liam you gonna be ok?" I said smirking when I saw Liam choking and making a funny stink face and his eyed watered up.

" Ya once Louis put his other pair of bowling shoes on." Liam said.

"Why Liam Crying?" Niall said as he came back from ordering his food.

"Oh, I'm not crying Niall I just caught a whiff of Louis smelly feet. And My eyes started to watering up." Liam said still trying to get his eyes to stop watering.

"Ok, lets start bowling now, Niall your up first." Zayn said as he had put all our names in and started the game.

When it was my turn to bowl, I grabbed the bowling ball and was about to drop it. Louis  had came up behind me and said don't mess up Harry. Which made me throw it straight into the gutter. Louis had made me jump and drop it into the gutter. I turned around  and saw Louis.

"Jerk, you  made me  throw a  gutter ball. I'll get you for that." I said  as I smirked and playfully pushed  him. Louis was laughing.

"Oh like that gonna  happen, but it was funny to see you jump and throw a gutter ball." Louis said while everyone laughed.

"You wait and see Louis, when you least expect it." I said and bowled a spare.

"Nice Harry to bad it didn't happen on your first ball. You could of have a strike." Zayn said.

"Yeah I know, if only Louis didn't make me jump and throw a gutter ball." I said and looked over at  Louis.

So 5 minutes later Niall gotten his food and stared eating it. Man that boy can eat, he was done in 5 minutes. It just amazes me how he can eat all of that.

"Liam your up, come on try and get a turkey." Zayn said.

"I'll try but I might not get it." Liam said picking up the ball and rolled it. "Oh, my god I got it. I got a turkey." Liam said thinking he wasn't going to get it.

"Nice, well it's Louis turn again." Zayn said.

So when our 2 games were done we decided to go back to mine and Louis flat. And order pizza for dinner. We all were singing and laughing the whole way to the flat. When we had pulled up to our flat, me and Louis decided to have a race to see who can get to the flat first. We ran fast tripping each other to get ahead. Me and Louis  both had tied.

"I won, and you lost." I said as we made it  to the door of our flat.

"I think I have just won that race Hazza." Louis said.

"Shut up, I clearly won." I said smiling at him and 2 seconds later Zayn,Niall and Liam  was there.

"Harry, Louis it's clearly a tie between you two." Liam said waiting for one of us to open the door.

I opened the door to mine and Louis flat, and we all went in. Liam  ordered the pizza, and I went up stairs to take a shower. Now that Louis was not dating  Eleanor any more. It mad it a little bit harder to not tell Louis I'm gay and  that I  love him more then friends. Cause now that Louis single, I wanted to make him mine. But I'm afraid of  telling him, how I  truly feel about him. Cause he's not gay like I am , so I'm trying really hard to not screw up our friendship. Maybe when I feel like the time is right I'll tell him. Cause I can't have him , thinking I'm crazy. I don't want mess up our friendship. Why does it  have to be  so hard, my feelings are getting stronger every day. That I didn't want to happen yet, but I'll try my best to keep it together.

When I was done taking a shower and got dressed. There was a knock on my door, it was Louis so I let him in.

"Hey Lou, is there something you want?" I said when he walked in.

"Liam had just ordered the pizza. Louis said.

"Ok great, can't wait for it to get here." I said grabbing my phone and checked my twitter. Then turned and locked my phone.

"Lets go down stairs to the rest of the guys." Louis said smiling.

"Ok, lets go I'll race ya down there." I said and started to run.

"OK, but...Hey get back here cheater. You got a head start." Louis yelled as I ran out.

"Yeah, so what you going to do about it." I yelled running down the stairs.

Louis had caught up to me and tackled me I fall down. Then he got up and started to run  to get ahead  of me. But I got up and jumped on his back. Louis tried to  get me off him so he  could beat me to the guys. But I  didn't let go until we got to the living room. Louis playfully pushed me on the sofa. And  sat on me, we both laughed so hard. I looked at him and smiled. Thinking how gorgeous he looks right now. He saw Me starring at him and he got off me, and moved  to the other side of the sofa. We all ended up watching a movie while we had pizza. I couldn't  keep my eyes on the movie, I kept looking at Louis. Louis saw me looking at him and whispered to me.

"Harry what's wrong? Your not watching the movie much." Louis said.

"I'm just thinking, I think I'm going to go up stairs and go to bed. I'm starting to not feel good." I said and I told the other boys too.

They all decided to go back home once the movie was over. When they left Louis came up to my room to see if I was alright.

- So what you guys think of chapter 5 did you laugh a lot. I just hope you guy liked it. comment vote fan. chapter6 is coming soon.-hihiangelgirls

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