Chapter Two: Echo Flower

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(Capt. Alphys's POV)

"P-P-PAPYRUS, COME ONE OR W-W-WE'LL BE LATE FOR THE M-M-METTING!" I yelled as I saw Papyrus come running to me. I was training him in cooking and fighting. I needed him to so me a favor because most of my spears were broken so he took them to Dr. Undyne, just thinking about her makes me smile. I miss her being in the Guard with me, but I understood why she retired to help us get out of here. I had a mission to find this voice of this echo flower I found in my back yard one day. The voice sounded so familiar to me though, but there were words missing and the voice was disguised.

"SORRY ALPHYS JUST HAD TO CLEAN UP. WOWIE, MY FIRST ROYAL GUARD METTING. OH I'M SO EXCITED." I smiled at him because he was finally a part of the guard and he has his reasons, but that won't be explained until later on. He looked amazing in his Royal Guard uniform, maybe he could become a greater guardsman one day. We started walking to Asgore's castle, it's didn't take that long because Pap teleported us and I didn't complain.

We arrived with ten minutes to spare, so I took my phone out and started to watch Mew Mew Kissy Cutie One. I loved anime, and not many monsters like it except me and Undyne. So we are the odd balls here. I paused the show and I text Undyne.

Alphys: Hey Undyne, would it be alright if I came and hung out with you after my meeting and rounds?

"Undyne: That would be awesome; I got some new anime we could watch as well. Just knock when you arrive.

I smiled at the text as I messaged back.

Alphys: Alright, I'll see you later Undyne and also they came out with a Mew Mew Kissy Cutie 2; do you want to watch it?

Undyne: OMG I have been waiting for that to fall down in waterfall for so long. I can't wait OMG I am so excited now.

I started laughing silently because I didn't want Papyrus to know who I was texting because he will make a big deal about it. I love the guy, but sometimes I need some time to myself.

Alphys: I know right!! You do know we know how to hack and get them from the internet right?

Undyne: True, but hey I'll message you back later I have spears to fix ;)

Alphys: Thank you for fixing them for me Undyne, this really means a lot to me. I can't kill humans with broken spears, well I can, but I don't want them to be broken even more. Anyways see you later Undyne, meeting about to start. Talk later:*

Wait, did I just send her a kissy face? I face planted on my hands, Hope she doesn't get mad at me. Big mistake Alphys you idiot... my phone vibrated

Undyne: See you later Alphys:*

She sent the kissy face back, was that a good sign? I felt myself blushing even more. Damn, what is it about her that I can't stop thinking about her? I signed and looked up and everybody was here, well almost everybody it feels different without Undyne here. Well can't think about that now, finding humans were my number one priority right now. I'll think about Undyne and talk to her later on today. I put my phone in my pocket of my armor and got up as Asgore came in with a smile.

"Ah Alphys I see Papyrus is finally with us now thank you so much for training with him, but can you get him to calm down." He smiled and I got beside Papyrus and slapped the back of his skull.

"OW, THAT HURT ALPHYS WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" He said rubbing the back of his skull and I smiled.

"Calm d-down alright P-P-Papyrus, the m-m-meeting about to start so pay a-a-attention." I said as he nodded his head and Asgore looked at me and I gave him thumbs up and he took a breath.

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