Chapter 14 - Oops!

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I woke up with a headache the size of a double migraine. I turned over to see the crystal sun gleaming through the window, then moved my eyes down to see an inch below my chin, Andy…asleep…naked. I felt a surge of shock and love slither through my spine as his ocean blue eyes opened sleepily. “Morning.” He stroked my wispy hair out of my face as I closed my eyes and let his lips touch mine gently.

“Morning. Last night was…wow.” I smiled and squinted cos of the sun blaring in my eyes. Andy wrapped his long lanky arms around my bare back and held me close, the tobacco filled morning breath filled my lungs with excitement of the old days.

“So what are we gonna tell Ashley?” He asked me when we decided to get up and begin getting ready for my big day.

“Well…nothing.” I stated clearly as I pulled one of Andy’s Misfits T-shirts out the drawer and slipped it on over my jeans.

“What? Why? You’re not going through with it are you? And even so if you were that’s not the way to start a healthy marriage! Please don’t go through with it Ruby, or at least…tell him.”

“I can’t! You do realise that if I don’t go through with it and I stay with you then it puts the band at risk, Ashley will hate both of us, we’ll feel too guilty to be together anyways cos of Ashley, there’s just too many negatives with telling him Andy! Im sorry…” I kissed his delicate cheekbone and headed into the bathroom for a shower.

Andy came into the bathroom looking pretty pissed. Obviously something was up, but I didn’t dare to ask him; he would’ve beat the shit out of me by the looks of it. “Hey man, check out these rings they’re so cool!”

“Oh yeah, they look pretty expensive.” I took Ruby’s one out the velvet box and slipped it onto my finger as far as it would go.

“Oooohh! Check me out!!! My name is Ruby and I luurrrvveeee Ashley I wanna marry him! Heheheheheeee!!!” I pranced around the room in a girly fashion putting on a high pitched, womanly voice.

“Ok CC very funny, now take that off before Ashley comes in and catches you.”

“Umm…I can’t…it’s stuck!” I pulled my finger as hard as I could until I farted (that happens a lot when I pull my finger), then the ring flew off my hand, twirled into the closed cubicle as I attempted to catch it, and was flushed into the sewers forever.

“Ohhh shit CC!!! You better go get that before Ashley finds out! He’s gonna FREAK if he finds out what you did!”

“Come with me its easier if I have another pair of hands with me!”

“Ewww dude no fucking way am I going down there! Do you know how many diseases there are down there?! I’ll get sick!”

“Please! Its for Ruby. And if you don’t get the ring…you’ll never be her hero…” I sobbed and gave him the puppy eyes as Jake and Jinxx walked in. “You too let’s go!” I led the four of us, Jake and Jinxx confused as we marched swiftly towards the back door of the hotel, until unfortunately…we bumped into Ashley.

“Hey guys, could you check if all the flowers have arrived yet?”

“Afraid not man, we’re on a mission! C’mon lets go!” I attempted to march on, but Ashley stopped me in my tracks once again suspiciously.

“What mission? What’s going on?” He looked like he knew I’d let him down.

“Um…well…the truth is…I lost the ring in the toilet and we’re going into the sewers to get it back!” I sprinted my words.

“CC you idiot! Ok go into the sewers and get it! now, before Ruby finds out!”

“Okay…lets go!!! Hey you wanna come too?”

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