A Sentimental Nod

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  The past crept into my throat like
a spider and its spindly legs splitting
the water from a pipe rusted sauna
of wilted regrets and wistful remembrances.

Time is a small man trapped inside a glass
of reflections and the one drop of sand that
obliterates all of his apprehensive thoughts
as to how he may escape the brutality of life.

One September night, our beloved key was
fashioned with the hands of a man that seized
the expression of his appreciation and otherworldly
view of the world and its stillborn beauty.

The golden mirage did not last for very long.
I could see through the cracks in the ceiling
when you graced my life with the millennia's worth
of words that fell short of the splendor of our future.

Did it ever occur to you that perhaps I pined
hopelessly for the return of our confidant bond?
In the hope of my contrite spirit, I had hoped,
perhaps beyond reason, you wished the same.

Everything I Wanted was found in a Solo Sunrise
of the intelligence and wit that has haunted me
by the residue of Cigarettes and Chocolate
you left behind. Talk Is Cheap you prodded.

The days have passed like cardboard homes
shifting from one homeless to another, each
emblazoned with the heavily possessive nature
that marks us all, equally, as ghostly passerby.  

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