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Angelicas P.O.V:

My throat aching is the first thing I feel when I wake up, and then the ache of a bruised jaw quickly follows. I groan as I sit up, not wanting to leave the warmth of my bed. I rub my eyes and grab my phone from the bedside table; an email is the only notification that shows up in my phone. I sigh and open the email. Please come to work today at 12pm as the industry meeting commences at 3:10pm. You can finalize the work that you need to hand to me at work today. You do not need to stay back tonight. My iPhone shows that it's 10:15am and I sigh, not wanting the day to go to waste.

I pull the warm doona cover of my body and place my feet on the cold wooden floor, making me feel cold instantly. I sadly remove myself from my bed and walk to the bathroom and Tiny is sitting right in front of the door, swaying her black tail slowly side to side. I pat her head, receiving a purr and then she moves away from the door, allowing me to enter the bathroom. I walk in and I instantly see my appearance, the bruise on my jaw spreads a fair bit upwards towards my cheekbone. I clean my pale face and apply whatever makes me look half decent, doubling the application on my bruise. I walk out and walk down the hall, which leads me to the kitchen. I grab a muesli bar from the bench and begin eating the strawberry flavored muesli. I feel something light and fluffy walk past my feet and I'm greeted by Tiny as she walks to her food bowl. I quickly grab a can of food and place it in her bowl, receiving a meow when I walk away. I walk back to my room and get into warm clothing, knowing that London weather will stay cold all day. I walk over to my desk and open my laptop, the 3 book samples cover the whole screen. I sigh and begin finishing the work that I was supposed to complete yesterday, not wanting to do this at work.

Harry's P.O.V:

"Liam I'm just turning into the street, the game doesn't start until midday." I say into the phone as I make my way to Liam's house.

"Yea but..."

"Midday is in 1 hour." I chuckle as I turn into his driveway.

"But... ugh, see you in a sec." He quickly says and hangs up.

I turn off the car and grab the white plastic bag, containing a few beers and make my way to Liam's front door. I turn the knob and the front door opens.

"I'm here!" I yell into open air and slam the door shut, signalizing that I'm in his home.

"Coming down in a sec!"

I walk into his kitchen and place the beers in the fridge, chucking the bag in the sink.

"We both know that bags don't go in the sink Haz." Liam says as he enters the kitchen.

"That's amazing to know so what time is Niall coming?"

"1." He replies while placing the bag in the 'bag box'

"I still can't believe you got that stupid box."

"Shut up Harry it was $10 on eBay!"

"Or you could of brought a normal cardboard box for like $2."

"But... This is made for bags." He replies with a smile creeping on his face.

"Oh my god." I mutter while laughing.

"What do you want for lunch?" He asks while opening the fridge.

"Liam just make Niall pick up pizza, it's his turn this week."

"Ok text him then, I'm going to get my phone." He says while shutting the fridge door and walks upstairs.

I get my phone from my front pocket and text Niall, getting an ok a few seconds later.

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