1. The Three Siblings

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"Centauri!" A voice came, soft and melodic. The child turned her emerald eyes to her eldest brother and brought stained hands up to his face for inspection. In her small palms were a bundle of wine colored berries that gave off a sweet scent. He stared at them for a few seconds and then popped one in his mouth while smiling devilishly. "Hey!" she shouted and pulled her little hands into her chest as if to hide her treasured berries from him. He began to laugh and patted her already tousled hair, quickly changing her pout into a shy grin. Footfalls from behind made the siblings turn to see the middle child running into the clearing with the large town stray close behind. He began to scream when it finally overpowered his little steps and pushed him to the ground.

He landed with a soft thud but the yelling ensued as the dog so viciously showered the boy's face with slobbering kisses. The pair laughed at their all but courageous brother and pet the dog as it continued to bless them all with affection. Their laughter echoed around them as the sun cast orange and red shadows on the land, slowly melting behind a range of mountains. A whistle came slashing through the trees to gain the attention of the youngsters. "Come on, time for dinner!" A distant voice beckoned. They all raced home to their small cottage happy to quit playing in return for food. The oldest was the first one that came sprinting through the doorway as he was always one to outperform his siblings. They stopped in unison before they could crash into their mother who was patiently waiting inside.

"Nova, wash up dear. You too Centauri," their gentle mother said upon seeing their berry smudged faces and hands. She passed her gaze to the middle brother who was about to place a very dirty foot inside. "No no Arcturus, you are getting a full bath," she laughed and he pouted with his arms across his chest.

"I will take care of him," their father spoke. He planted a kiss on his wife's forehead and then threw the muddy boy over his shoulder which resulted in a joyous giggle. He walked the young one out to the stream that flowed close by and tossed him in gently while the other two children cleaned up at the wash basin indoors.

Once everyone was situated, their meal began where they prayed to their many gods and shared their day's events. It was a normal and happy family unlike most in their country of blood and war. After they had all eaten to their stomachs' capacity, the kind woman that was their mother tucked them into their respective beds, placing a kiss on each of their noses.

"Good night my stars. May you have the sweetest of dreams." With that, she blew out the candle and gave them one last glance before leaving them to peaceful slumber. If she had known what was transpiring right outside their house though, she would never have left them alone.

Their mother made her way to the kitchen with the intention of washing the dishes. Her husband was still outside it seemed, but she didn't bother to check. Hushed whispers and threats paired with the scraping of metal on leather ripped her attention away from wandering thoughts. Her hands dropped from the plates that she was scrubbing as she leaned forward to peak through the window. Shadows were moving outside of their household and her breath got caught in her throat. All of a sudden an arm snaked its way around her midsection and a blade was pressed to the flesh of her neck.

"You pretty little thing. You would sell well as a harem girl," said a man whose voice slithered under her skin making the hair raise up on her arms. Hot breath fanned her neck and she wanted to scream out to her husband but when her eyes caught movement in the doorway, she paused. Two more thugs came creeping into their once clean home, laying a track of mud on the floor and struggling to contain the form of her husband.

"What do you want?" She whispered to the man holding her captive. Before he could answer, the quiet call of a little girl captured his full attention. In the moonlight his teeth glinted with a malicious grin. He spun her around in a fluid motion and pressed the woman up against his chest while still holding the knife dangerously close. She attempted to cower away but he held a firm grip around her waist.

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