16. Family Matters

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"Oh, I didn't know we would be running into your family so soon," Nova nervously replied and shot a glance at her companion. Iridian looked just as tense but wore a more believable smile. Shei of course had no clue as to the words being communicated between the two through their eyes. At that moment, the music in the plaza changed to a very familiar song and she clapped her hands together.

"Brother, fairë timpinen ar tur," she grabbed his hand and spoke in the elvish language. Nova said not a word before she dragged him away towards a crowd of dancers though he passed a worried look to her.

"O, nir segma soïgna, dasc lí. Kor san dīon habermo," a woman began to sing in a beautiful tune. It was ancient elvish that not many still understood but the words were unimportant. It was a festive song that originated from a tale of two siblings that controlled the skies and changed the seasons. Nova recognized the song almost instantly and a smile came onto her face at the melody. She sang along to herself in her own language as Iridian and Shei danced in tune to the very famous tale.

"When winter's cold meets spring, the sister reigns again, the earth erupts in wonders, familiar not to him. He waits patiently by her side, the freezing winds no longer rise, as her season brings new life," the huntress sang and her voice rang out in the crowd, surprising Iridian who was watching her throughout his dance. Lilium grabbed her hand and she paused from her personal performance to pay attention to her daughter.

"Momma, I never heard you sing," Lilium looked up with a goofy smile. A laugh, a real laugh and not one of sarcasm or mock, came from her mother and even Armageddon stared in wonder.

"I guess this song just reminds me of happiness my love," she replied sweetly and leaned down to kiss her daughter's forehead and then lifted her to rest on her hip. Shei and Iridian bowed to each other once the music faded into a new song. His sister was rambling about something in their language but when they got within earshot, she switched back to Surgue, Nova's native tongue. It was usually taught as a first or second language where humans made up most of the population and nobles usually also learned it to better communicate with noble families of other countries.

"You dance well Iridian," she commented and he didn't reply but still stared in confusion at the fact that she could sing. Her voice was nothing extraordinary but coming from such a tough individual, it held a particular softness as if the child she once was emerged only when she sang.

"Well then, you must come home with me. Mother hasn't seen you in so many years and I know she will...love to meet your family," Shei said but the hesitation in her voice pointed otherwise. Armageddon especially picked up on this and he tilted his head at her since he did not care for politeness. When she didn't acknowledge him though, he moved to sit in front of her and stare up with his ears twitching. The elven woman was very obviously uncomfortable as she pulled her hair over one shoulder and started on a braid to add to the four she already wore down her back. "What I mean is...you know Mother has always been...specific with marrying in the same class," her voice trailed off awkwardly at the end, scared that she had offended Nova.

The huntress instead nodded in acceptance of her words though and didn't rudely remark back. "I understand. You are from a wealthy family and I was raised as a servant more than anything," came her reply that hinted as to her upbringing for the first time in front of Iridian.

"I don't mean to offend you. I just hope that our mother will accept that you aren't a lady," she finished. This was the one thing that set her off. A fire blazed into Nova's green irises before she nearly snapped. Then she took a breath and extinguished the anger in her voice to calmly reply. Iridian pulled the elven child away from her fuming mother, fearing that she might start a fight with his sister while the child balanced on her hip, but the huntress certainly surprised him.

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