25. The End is only the Beginning

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"Eat," Iridian said while forcibly shoving the bowl of sludge into her hands. Nova's nose wrinkled at the putrid smell but she spooned the liquid filled with gooey chunks. It seemed to be some sort of fish porridge but the huntress pinched her nose in order to dampen the disgusting flavor. The substance was drained quickly enough before the huntress had to hurriedly cover her mouth in order to keep it down. "I know, horrid but necessary."

Gemini only stared at the "food" given to her in the bowl at her feet. Her clawed toe poked at the wooden shape as it toppled to one side and the sludge stayed in the same position. A shiver ran up her spine as she clenched her teeth. "Cassius was never a good cook either but this...this is equivalent to consuming dung."

Nova almost laughed but if she opened her mouth, there was the possibility that everything would be spilled. The room they were trapped in smelt of decay without the addition of vomit so she decided to spare her fellow prisoners. "Your daughter," came a small voice. Nova narrowed her eyes as they slitted to see in the dark. The shape of a hunched man met her gaze as he began to walk slowly to them. His eyes were crusted and white with blindness. He stumbled around before Iridian stood to help him.

"Whose daughter?" He asked immediately. The old man took the elf's hands in his frail ones before looking towards Iridian's face. Though he was blind, his eyes showed wisdom and understanding of a great many things.

"Yours. She is alive and with a doe woman," he said softly with a smile. A grand smile came to Iridian's face to match but Nova was unsure of the random situation.

"And how do you know of our daughter and her well being?" She questioned. His blind eyes turned in her direction before his lips turned up slightly more.

"I am a Seer young lady. Lilium is her name correct?" His question was direction to the elf who nodded and then realizing his mistake, answered verbally.

"Yes, Lilium. What else did you see?" He said in a blur of words. His tone was  frantic for information and this seemed to amuse the old Seer.

"She was playing in a garden with an Axius. There was a Pastiel with large antlers watching over the two and everything was peaceful. You need not worry about her," he explained. Without notice, he dropped to one knee in front of the huntress as she put up her fists in reaction to his quick movements. "And you, I do hope you remember my aide here and return the favor in the future."

His words were cryptic and she lowered her hands realizing the blind old Seer was no threat. "What do you mean? What else do you know?"

"If I were to say more I might interrupt the events to come. Just remember me," he finished and with that melted back into the mass of prisoners. Iridian and Nova shared a look of confusion at the strange scene while Gemini scanned the room for him. Upon finding that nearly every prisoner looked as hopeless as the rest, she gave up and turned back to her side.

"Well I suppose it makes sense that a Seer was taken prisoner," she spoke. Her voice had become less hoarse but still had a raspy edge to it. "We are all here to serve the blood king in some way or another." The Dracon shifted her gaze from the pair to a few women who seemed exempt from magic but were excessively beautiful. Her eyelids dropped in pity of what fate had planned for them but none of them were able to escape nor choose what would happen once they were handed to King Seith.

"Maybe we won't have to serve him. Maybe there will be another option," Nova began. At her words, the Dracon perked up but Iridian stayed silent. The huntress peered at the individuals that littered the room like rag dolls before assessing her two companions. "Captain Kros. He is not corrupt-or at least he is not as corrupt as the current king."

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