Chapter 5

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"bye babe" Frank says kissing my forehead as I push him away with a laugh,

I walked outside seeing the sun slowly rising as I rubbed my eyes and made my way up my doorstep. I stumbled upstairs with a yawn before shrugging off Franks Jersey and walking into my bathroom. I scrubbed myself clean for about ten minutes before hopping out of the shower with my fluffy black towel. I checked myself out in the mirror seeing the dark red hickies as I laughed and walk into my walk in closet.

I slid on a pair of black lace underwear and bra set before slipping on black booty shorts and Franks Jersey that reached mid thigh. His Jersey was black and white with the number 32 on the back and front, so I decided to go with my knee high white socks and black high top vans.

I put my hair up in a high pony tail before curling it. I applied on foundation, eyeliner, mascara, red lipstick, and blush. I snapped a full body picture on snapchat before walking out to my room. I threw my cheer outfit into my duffel bag with my pom poms and ribbons before throwing my white nikes inside and zipping it. I checked for deodorant, perfume, lotion, extra socks, my towel for a shower after the game, and clothes for after shower. I threw my duffel bag over my head and grabbed my handbag for school.

I walked downstairs texting Irene that I was on my way to school before I opened my front door and my eyes widened. Are you freaking kidding me!?

"Hop on" he says with a straight face as my eyebrows raised,

"Come on" he says waving his hand before I looked at what I was wearing and his motorcycle,

"What?" he asks confused before I rolled my eyes and walked away,

"Wait! belle!" I hear him shout as I flip my ponytail and continue walking,

"Whats wrong?" He asks riding his motorcycle next to me as I stop and turn around with the best fake smile,

"Thats whats wrong" I say pointing at his motorcycle as he gasps,

"Shes not as bad as you thing you know, just jump on come on" he says with a smile as I roll my eyes and continue walking,

It wasnt even a minute till I heard his bike start and in a heartbeat he grabbed me by waist with one arm as I gasped. In a blur he had me sitting in front of him , trapped between the front of his motorcycle and his chest. His buff arms were trapping me there as I groaned.

"I hate you" I muttered as I sat in front of his chest staring at the view of the streets passing by,

"I love you to" he says into my ear as I shivered,

It stayed quiet the rest of the way to school as I continued to sulk all the way there. He was quiet the whole time while I felt his warm breath flow down the back of my neck. As soon as we got there all eyes were on us as I pushed him off me and stood up seeing Irene walking towards me.

"Damn Jezzabelle, you tap that yet?" she asks as Noah parked his motorcycle and slipped on his bag,

"Nah, he just gave me a ride" I say rolling my eyes and pull her into school,

"Damn! Franks lucky charm this time I see" Ashley says with a smirk as I laugh and open my locker that she was leaning next to,

"Dude, are you tapping the hot new kid?" Amy asks as I turn to see her looking at Noah with a group of guys leaning against the lockers down the hall,

"Ew no thank you!" I say rolling my eyes and grabbing my textbooks and closing my locker,

"Ew? hes hot!" Irene says as we walk towards the place they were,

"Pftt!" I scoffed flipping my hair as I see a bunch of girls trying to flirt with them,

As soon as we passed by the group, Noah's eyes turned towards me as the girls looked at me with a sour face.

"Damn! Yall saw that?" Irene shrieked as soon as we got in homeroom,

"Yep! He was straight out checking you out" Ashley says nudging my elbow as I rolled my eyes and sat down with them around me,

"Oh my gosh dude you should definitely tap that" Irene says as Noah walks in with his group of friends as his eyes landed on me,

He smirked before taking a seat in front of me as I groaned. His friends sat by his side as my friends scoffed and smirked at me.

"Today class we will be assigning a project for the class that will be half your grade" Our teacher announces as I rolled my eyes and continue texting random guys,

"Oh! and the best part is you have to do it with a partner, of my choice" She continues as the class groaned,

"Now I will be calling the names of partners and you have to pair up with them, for the next two months since this project will be due in two months" she says putting on her glasses as Irene pretends to shoot herself and I laugh,

"Irene!" The teacher snaps as we laugh even more,

"Since you hardly pay attention in this class I will be pairing you up with one of my A star students, Francis" She says as we all groan,

"Hey Im right here you know!" Francis shouts lifting her glasses as we all look at her with a disgusted face,

"Oh really? I havent noticed?" Irene says scratching her head before we all bursted out laughing,

"Ladies!" The teacher snaps as Irene high fives me,

"Jezzabelle!" she shouts as I nod,

"What happened?" I ask with a confused look as the class erupts in laughter,

"Your partner is, Noah Westbrook" She says as my eyes widened and the girls in my class look at me with jealousy,

"Are you sure you didn't misspell Irenes name?" I asked as the class laughs,

"No, I think she means IM your partner belle" Noah says turning to me with a smirk as I groan and slump back into my chair,

"Its not like I havent been in your house before anyways" He says out loud with a smirk as everyones eyes turned to me.


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