chapter 10

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After a few minutes the announcer came back on as I smirked.

"This message is from a Karina Medina" He announces as Irene turns to me confusedly,

"I love you Noah Westbrook, Hope your not mad at me for telling everyone about your little Johnson down there" He announces as the bleachers were filled with laughter and howls from the guys looking at a very angry Noah,

"Damn! Jezzabelle 2, Noah 1" Irene says nudging my shoulder as I wink up at Noah before turning around and watching the football players chase the ball,

The players ran around the field before I noticed one of them staring at me. I squinted my eyes before noticing my monday appointment. He ran in front of me with a wink as I roll my eyes with a laugh. He took his helmet off before rustling his black hair as I smirked. I turned to see Noah glaring at the hot football player that was staring at me with a smirk as an idea popped in my head. I turned back seeing the coach blow the whistle signalling the players for a time out. My monday appointment, Mason was about to pass by before I pulled him back and kissed him roughly hearing the crowd go wild. He lifted me up as I wrapped my legs around his waist while wrapping my armd around his neck pulling him closer.

"Wooh! I see number 1 is down there getting it on with the number 1 cheerleader!" The announcer cheered as the cheerleaders cheered,

"I'll see you on monday I guess" I say pulling away with a smirk as he chuckles before arching a perfect eyebrow,

"You got it babe" He says before I peck his lips and let him put me down but not before slapping my ass as I laugh,

I turned around to the bleachers seeing Noah and his friends gone. I looked around the bleachers seeing no sign of them as I roll my eyes and shrug it off.

After yet another win the crowd cheered, cheerleaders did their routine, and I somehow ended up in the girls locker room shower, alone.

I washed my face slowly feeling the water padding down my back. I was about to turn the water off before I felt a warm heated body behind mine. I froze before remembering Franks words about seeing me after the game.

A pair of lips sucked on my sore neck as I moaned rolling my head back. A pair of hands ran down my sides slowly as I push my lower body towards the heated body feeling his hard member.

I turned around as my eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

"Noah?! What the fuck?!" I shouted covering myself as he smirks,

"I thought you were enjoying that?" He asks with a smirk as I turn the water off,

"Noah get out! Now!" I shout grabbing my towel from the rack before pulling it around my body,

"Why?! I thought thats what you do every night for stress kitten?" He asks as his eyes darkened and his jaw clenched,

"Noah stop" I say seeing his eyes burn holes through mine as his fists tightened,

"Please" I whispered as I felt somehow uneasy,

I've never seen him this way. Through out the years we've known each other not once has he ever been this mad around me.

"Noah?" I ask before I see his face soften,

He looked at me with a non readable expression before storming out as I stood there confused. Why was he acting like that?

I sighed before walking out and making sure to get dressed quickly since I was the last one in here.

After getting ready I walked out of the school seeing Frank leaning against his range rover with a smile. I laughed before jumping into his arms as he chuckled and pecked my lips.

"Lets get some food then continue on our journey shall we princess?" He asks opening the car door as I nod excitedly and jump into his car,

Just as I was waiting for him to jump into the car I heard a thud in the back of the car as my head snapped towards the back of Franks car. Before I can even see a thing the door opened as I see a pair of hands grabbing me while I screamed.

"Get off me!" I shout trying to pull away fron the person grabbing me,

"Shhhhhh" A familiar voice whispers as I looked up seeing Noah,

"What the fuck?!" I shout pushing him away before seeing Franks unconscious body on the floor,

"Oh my god!" I shout as Noah pulls me away,

"Get off me! Frank!!" I shout as Noah pulls me into his car while I try to push away,

"Stop fighting it Belle!" He snaps as I turn around and slap him,

He looked stunned before turning angry as I gasped.

"Dont hit me!" I shout covering my face as I hear him scoff and slam the door in my face while I poked an eye out,

"Where are you taking me?" I ask a very pissed off Noah as he stays quiet and drives,

"Hello?! Earth to Noah!" I shout waving my hand in his face before he grabbed it roughly,

He glared at me before pushing my hand towards me roughly. I raised an eyebrow with a scoff before folding my arms and turning towards the window boredly. I felt a buzz in my pocket before taking my phone out seeing my notification from my friends and other guys.

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