Chapter 6

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After a long homeroom the bell finally rung as I sighed and stood up, but happiness only lasted for a second before I was stopped by the jackass in front of me.

"So, my house or yours?" He asks with a smirk as my eyes widened,

"Excuse me?" I ask glaring up at his tall figure as his eyes widened,

"For the project belle" he says quickly as I roll my eyes,

"you already know where I live so just show up tomorrow" I say trying to move as he moves with me,

"I'll walk you to first" He says turning around with his arm around me as I push it off,

"No thanks, I can walk on my own" I say stomping on his foot and walking away with my laughing friends,

"Damn! Jezzabelle 1, Noah 0" Irene says high fiving me as we walk into first period,

"Curve game strong af" Ashley says high fiving me before sitting next to me,

Noah walked in as we all try to cover our laughs terribly.

"Hows your foot?" Ashley says out loud as he glares at her and sits in the front with his little crew,

During the whole first period, we were literally laughing about how many time ashley tried to get at the guy next to Noah. She tried so many pick up lines and he just looked at her as if she had three heads.

"Yas! Thank the lord!" Irene shouts when the bell rings and we walk out laughing,

"Dude Im hungry" Ashley says as we walk towards the girls locker room,

"Aye what are we doing?" Irene asks some random girl walking out of the locker room,

"Just the warm up, then he has you guys split up into two groups for a basketball game" she says wiping her brow as we nod and walk inside,

"You guys have any shorts I can borrow?" Ashley asks as Irene opens her backpack and throws her a pair of black PE shorts,

I opened my locker and shrugged off Franks Jersey, listening to Irene blabbering about the school drama, like always. I threw on my white PE shirt, and kept on black Adida shorts. I put on some lotion before shoving everything inside my locker and folding my socks down into my black high top vans.

"Lets go bitches!" Irene shouts putting an arm around me and ashley as I roll my eyes and laugh,

We walked out in a group before sitting down in line order by last names.

"Aight girls! You already know the drill! Four laps around the gym, and then drop and give me twenty! And ladies!" Coach shouts as we all stand up and line up behind the red line under the basketball hoop,

"No cutting corners! And no stopping to check out the hot guys on the other side of the gym" He says in a girly voice as we laugh before he blew the whistle,

We ran around the gym as I hear the guys whistle and cheer. As usual I was the first to drop down onto my push ups since I was fit lmfao.

"Good Job Lemana!" Coach shouts as I finish and Irene jumps on my back out of breath,

"Im dying!" Irene shouts sarcastically as I laugh and push her off me,

"Ok! We're gonna be having a basketball game against each other, I need two team captains up here!" He shouts as we all look around and pretend not to notice the coach staring at us,

"Fine! Lemana! And Lopez up here now!" Coach snaps as I groan while my friends cheer,

"Okay Lemana pick first" He says with a smile as I shrug and point at Irene who happily jumps up and runs next to me with a smile,

The other chick picks four people as I chose Ashley, Vivian, and Yahira. The coach split us against the full basketball court in the gym as the other girls sat down on the left side and the boys happily sat down on the right.

"Ready? Go!" Coach shouts as I threw the ball at Irene and she dribbles it past a green hair girl,

She passes it to me when I ran across from her in front of the guys before I threw it and made a shot.

"Whoo!" The guys shouted as I turned around seeing Frank and his group of football players cheering,

I winked at them with a smirk before jogging to the other side of the court seeing Yahira knock the ball away from the other teams basket.

"Jezzabelle!" She shouts as I throw my hands up and catch the ball,

I turned to see Irene nodding as I spun around the defense and passed it to her. She dribbled past the other teams captain before shooting it threw the hoop.

"Go Jezzabelle!" Someone shouted as I turned around seeing Frank cheering and clapping before I passed by him seeing a very angry Noah,

I looked at Noah confusedly before he turned to me with a smirk. I rolled my eyes while catching up with my other team mates who were winning without doubt.

We ended up wining 25-0. The coach gave us free waterbottles before letting us change in the locker room ten minutes early.

"Dude we beat their asses easily!" Ashley shouted happily as I laugh and shrug off my sweaty shirt,

"Dude did y'all see Jezzabelles boyfriend cheering for her the whole time?" Yahira asks as I roll my eyes and throw on Franks jersey,

"Dude you and Frank would be cute, no lie" Irene says as I check myself out in the mirror,

"Nah!" I exlaimed as Ashley high fives me with a laugh,

We walked out of the locker room before our laughs died down. I looked in front of me seeing an angry Noah with his friends looking at us with straight faces.

"Um how may I help you?" Irene asks as Noah walks towards me not looking away,

"What the fuck?!" I shouted as he bends down and throws me over his shoulder,

"Hey! Put my bestfriend down you jackass!" Irene shouts as I turned around seeing her getting thrown over some guys shoulder with my other friends as well,

"Hey! This is illegal!" Ashley shouts punching the guy as he rolls his eyes,

"This is racism!" Vivian shouts wiggling in the other guys arms,

"You cant do this! I have a life! I cant die young!" Yahira shouts as we all groan and let these strong and buff guys carry us to who knows where.

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