Chapter 30

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"This one?" Irene asks as I looked at the options of dresses she wanted to wear for Masons party tonight,

"I think that one goes with your hair" Ashley says trying on her dress as I lay on my bed playing spinny circle,

"Come on Jezzabelle you have to get ready as well" Vivian says dragging me off the bed as I groan,

"Im to tired, can we go tomorrow?" I ask as she rolled her eyes,

"Come on, Noah said hes gonna come pick us up in 20 minutes so hurry up" She says as I remembered they begged the guys to come with us to Masons party,

"Here, I think this is the one for you" Ashley says handing me a white sparkly short dress that looked like hookers wore when they wanted to get laid,

"Oh dont look at me like that miss sleeping with every hot guy she meets" She says raising her eyebrow as I shrugged before walking inside the bathroom to put it on,

"Oh god" I say looking at my reflection that showed my messy hair and smeared make up,

I washed my face off in the sink before shrugging my clothes off and slipping on the white sparkly dress that barely hid my ass. It was glittery at the top with short sleeves and black at the bottom that was tight round my hips showing my curves. I sighed before combing my hair out so it was the regular wavy hair I remembered. I put on a little make up before putting on my golden earring and necklace. I walked out to see the girls with big grins.

"Damn! Sexy ass!" Irene says nudging my shoulder as I rolled my eyes and laughed,

"Lets go!" vivian says throwing me my golden sparkly heels as I sighed before following them downstairs hearing a car horn outside,

"Get in!" Logan shouted as we all hopped inside the SUV,

"This is where you sit" Noah says opening the passenger side door as I rolled my eyes before jumping in,

"Isnt that too short?" He asks staring at my dress before the girls attacked him with protests as he rolled his eyes before driving,

"Make a left right there" Ashley says as Noah turned the car before noticing the loudest house on the block was Masons house for sure,

"Yay!" Irene shouts jumping out as we all piled out of the car,

"Lets go!" Irene says dragging Ashley as I followed before I was being pulled back,

"I want you to stay by my side okay?" Noah asks before Logan interrupted,

"Come on Noah, its a party. Let her have some fun" He says as the girls come back out and drag me away from a worried Noah,

"Here drink up" Irene says handing me a red cup as I took a sip and almost choked,

"What is this?" I ask looking at the cup as she laughed,

"Its tequila" She says with a wink before chugging her cup as I shrugged before drinking mine,

"Lets go dance!" She cheered before dragging me to the dance floor that was packed with alot of the people from school,

"This is my song!" Ashley shouted as circle by lil ronny blasted through the speakers,

"Throw that ass in a circle!" My friends sang as I laughed as I felt the alcohol get to me,

We started to dance together as people cheered us on. My head was feeling woozy as Irene handed us all another cup. I chugged it down before smiling and letting my body move to the beat. We dance to five more songs before I felt my vision get blurry. I walked out of the dancefloor as my friends continued to dance without me.

"Sorry" I say bumping into someone before I felt someone arms around my waist,

"Jezzabelle?" A familiar voice asks as I looked up to see Mathew,

"Mat, hey" I say slowly as he looked at me confusedly,

"Are you okay?" he asks as I nod with a smile,

"Did you drink?" he asks as I shake my head with a giggle,

"Come on, lets get you some water" he says leading me to the kitchen as I giggled,

"I-Im fine" I hiccuped as he opens a fridge and checked if the water wasnt spiked,

"here, drink this" he says as I shake my head,

"Come on" he says handing me the bottle as I sighed before drinking it feeling my head get better,

"You shouldnt be drinking tequila" He says as I finish the water bottle,

"They spiked it with more alcohol then you need" he says sitting me on the counter as I play with my fingers,

"You here with the other girls?" he asks as I nod and noticed he was sitting next to me on the counter,

"I thought your boyfriend was here with you?" he asks as I look at him confusedly,

"Boyfriend?" I ask as he chuckled,

"Noah" he says as I shook my head,

"First off, hes not my boyfriend. And second, hes here but I dont know where" I say with a shrug,

"Are you okay now?" He ask as I nod and put my hand on his,

"Thank you mat" I say leaning on his shoulder as he smiles,

"Im sorry for being a jerk for you the last few weeks" he says playing with a strand of my hair as I looked up at him,

"Its okay" I say as he turns to me while caressing my cheek,

"I-I..." before I finished he leaned in as I gasped when his lips landed on mine,

"What the fuck is going on in here?!" A voice snapped as I froze.

Hey!!!! Just wanted to let you guys know....ITS MY BIRTHDAY 😝😊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎊🎉🎉🎊🎉🎊🎊🎊💋💋💋💋💋💋 Other then that, go check out my other book "The beast and me" VOTE AND COMMENT FOR MORE 💋💋💋💋😋😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

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