Chapter 8

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"Woah! Dude calm tf down!" Sergio says putting his hands up in defense as I try to squirm out of Noahs buff arms,

"Stop! Let me go!" I snapped before elbowing his side and stomping on his foot as he let go of me and I run back into Sergios arms,

"Sergio! Your back!" I shout happily turning around to see Noah glaring at Sergio,

"Noah, this is my guy bestfriend from middle school, you know the one you never met since you left!" I snapped before walking past him,

"Aye! Sergio!" Ashley shouts as they fist pump and make room for him to sit,

"So, how come your here Sergio?" Ashley asks as he shrugs,

"Got hungry and saw this place I guess" he says with a chuckle as I laugh and sit next to him,

"So your the replacement huh?" Noah asks folding his arms across his chest as I roll my eyes,

"Leave him alone" I say as he continues to glare at a very uncomfortable Sergio,

"Replacement? For what?" Sergio asks with a nervous chuckle as Noah squints his eyes,

"Me" He says glaring at Sergio before I groan and drag Sergio out of the diner,

"Come on Sergio, lets go" I say walking away from the diner before being pulled back roughly,

"Your not going anywhere with him!" Noah growls pulling me towards him as I gasp at how hard his grip his,

"Noah stop!" Irene shouts as I try to pull away but his grip is like steel,

"No! Lets go!" He snaps before dragging me towards his motorcycle as I try my hardest to pull away from him while my friends are being dragged into the SUV,

"Your sitting with me this time" He says pushing me onto his bike like this morning as I scream for help,

Heads turned towards us before turning back quickly as Noah glares at them. He started the engine before roaring off into the street like a maniac as I hold onto him for dear life. I was sitting in front of him again, but this time I was sat sideways on his lap between his arms and body as I shake nervously in his arms at the speed hes going. It wasnt long till the terrifying ride stopped as I still had my eyes shut thinking Im already dead. I felt arms wrap around me before I feel myself being lifted as I hold onto the really good smelling thing I was gripping tightly.

"You can open your eyes now belle" Noahs deep voice says as I feel his hot breath over my neck,

I peaked one eye open seeing a bright yellow light on me as I close my eye again.

"Try it again" Noah whispers with a chuckle as I open my eyes seeing my face in the crook of Noahs neck,

"Ahh!? Jesus!" I shouted pulling away making him pull me back into the awkward position I was just in,

"Look" He says nodding forward before I turned to where he was looking as I gasped,

"Oh my gosh!?" I shouted before squirming out of his hold,

"Mr.Snuggles!?" I shouted grabbing my old teddy bear friend from when I was six,

"How?" I ask turning to Noah standing really close to me towering over my 5'2 size easily,

"Remember when you told me that bully took it from you at the park because he thought it would be funny to make you cry?" he asks through clenched teeth as I nod slowly,

"Well, I went back and had a talk with the guy" He says with a shrug as my eyes widened,

"You fought him didnt you?!" I asked with a gasp as he shrugs with a smirk,

"B-but he was three years older, and was twice your size" I say with a laugh as he chuckles,

"He may have been twice my size, but his fists were twice the size of a watermelon seed" he says as we laugh,

"Wait? Where are we?" I ask finally noticing where we were,

"The place where we made our promises to stick to each other forever" He says sitting down as I sit next to him with a smile,

"I cant believe after all these years, you still remember our old hide out place we made when we were five" I say looking around the small place full of paintings, pictures, and drawing we did when we were kids,

"I never forgot anything we did when we were together" he says as I turned to see him looking at me with a spark in his eyes as I giggle,

"Tag your it" I say tapping his elbow before running away as he chuckles and grabs me in a flash,

"You were faster when we younger belle, I dont really know about now" He says with a smirk as I gasp and slap his chest before running off again,

We ran around the small room of things we did when we were kids before getting exhausted and fell on the floor laughing at each other.

"Remember when you thought the tooth fairy was real but it was your mom who was putting dollars under your pillow" he says poking my side as I giggle,

"Remember when you thought the boogey man was real, so one time I hid under your bed and scared you so bad you pissed yourself!" I shout laughing my but off as I see him glaring at me while I continue to hold my stomach from laughter,

"Wait?! Wheres everyone?" I ask sitting up and looking around as he does the same and chuckles,

"I told Logan to take them back to school" He says with a shrug as I look at him confused,

"Whos Logan?" I ask as he laughs,

"My blonde friend who has a thing for your red haired girl friend" he says as my eyes widened,

"He has a thing for Irene?! Oh my gosh! Im gonna text her!" I shout happily before remembering something,

"Wait?! School?! Shit!" I shout getting up as he looks at me confusedly following me out the door to our secret hide out that was hidden behind the playground at the park we played at when we were kids,

"Whats wrong?" he asks pulling me back as I look at the time,

"I have to cheer at the game tonight" I say walking away as he pulls me back,

"I'll give you a ride" he says with a nod as I look at my phone before shrugging and letting him walk me to his motorcycle.

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