3-The riddle

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   Tom Richardson wasn't supposed to be on campus.These were his days off but he had business with a student.His confrontation with three serious men brought his attention to a strange medallion.

   Tom was drinking coffee at his desk when he heard a voice

"You asked for me?" drew stood in the doorway.

"Yes Mr. Fox. Come in." he invited.

Drew pulled up a chair in front of the professor's desk. The two sat across from one another. He stared at drew's medallion.

"Three men came in to my class yesterday. They said they were looking for a unique medallion. They described it with a mermaid. A blue background."

   He pointed at the medallion hanging down drew's neck.

"It looks alot like that." Drew clutched it with his left hand. "I didn't steal it if that's what you're implying." drew said.

"No I just wanted to know why someone else wants it so bad. What's going on drew?"

   The young student was unsure about revealing the truth but he realized it could shed light on who was looking for the relic.

"Did any of these men give a name?" Drew asked.

"One did. Said his name was Lynch. I suppose this is a last name but that's all he gave."

"Did he say what's going on? Why did he ask about it?" Drew asked his teacher.

   Richardson shrugged "He said it's rightfully his and it's an important personal item." Drew gave him a smug look.

"What?" Drew just shook his head. "Look. I was about to call the police about this but my gut told me I should trust you. As far as I know about you, you're an ambitious and bright student,hardly the criminal type. With all due respect, I deserve to know what the deal is here." Tom explained.

   "Honestly I'd tell you but I wouldn't even know where to start." Drew knew he could use this confrontation to his advantage. "Can I trust you with this?" Drew stood up and started towards the doorway.

"Are you a killer?" Tom asked as drew shut the door.

"God no!" Drew exclaimed

"Are you a thief? A criminal of any sort?"

"No. What is this? An interview?" Tom chuckled.

   "You can trust me then." Drew sat back down. "You're very knowledgeable on plato. I mean that's mainly why I'm taking your course.So how much do you know about Atlantis?" Drew asked. In a way he felt embarrassed to ask the question. He awaited for a predicted response.

"You're not saying..." Tom said while looking at the necklace. Drew reached back and unhooked it. He carefully layed it on the desk. "Go ahead." Drew welcomed him

   Tom picked up the medallion and examined it.

"I don't think a story will be necessary to explain this but a story would be nice." Tom said.

"Professor, now you see why it's important to me. My great-grandfather passed this on through two generations. Everyone in my family has tried to figure it out but no one has until last night." Drew said.

   "Not to rain on your parade but Atlantis isn't real. It can't be. Plato only briefly described it in his dialogues. The existence of his characters in his stories have never been confirmed."

"Except Critias. We both know he was plato's relation. Plato claims he heard the story from his grandfather. Do you know the story?" Drew asked.

   "Of course I do" Tom put the medallion down. "Every follower of plato knows it." "Ever heard of Solon?" Drew's professor asked.

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