Chapter 18

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[Unedited Chapter]

Selena's POV:

So I went back home after this really rough day spent at school, getting bullied by people. This day was really exhausting and Meghan really did some big bad shits, i just hope everything gets better soon.

Also, to mention, Niall wasn't here today, i'm worried, i hope he's just not depressed about what happened, about what I caused, or more like, about what Meghan caused. I don't wanna lose someone like him.

I need to get him out of my mind.

I need to try not to fall for his charm anymore.

Because real friendships are hard to find, and it's not good to lose them, but I just lost Meghan.

Because of a boy that just arrived to our school.

Also, just thinking of it, Meghan hasn't been talking to him (when he's here) for a while, nor asking about him, nor bringing his name. Everything is just getting weird.

"How was your day lil muffin?" Asked me mom, caressing my cheek. As she interrupted my thinking.

Isn't it weird that my mom calls me muffin?

"Bad! Like bad bad bad bad bad." I stated as I made some signs with my hands.

"But why?" She asked as she took my right hand.

"Mom, Meghan cut everything between us just over a boy." I told her as she widely opened her mouth. "A new boy arrived to our school and I fell in love with him and, suddenly, out of nowhere, she falls in love with him too. And now that she knows that me and him are really close, she got angry, saying that I steal her crushes. And you know, something like that." I made an abstract of the story and told mom.

"Oh it's really messy to fight over a boy, honestly I thought Meghan was smarter than that." She dropped my hands. "Imma talk to her mother."

As soon as she mentioned the term 'her mother' i jumped and shouted.

"No you can't talk to her mother or else the fight would become worse. She'll accuse me of being a kid for telling my mom to talk to her mom."

"And she'll be the kid for accusing you for being a kid for telling your mom to talk to her mom." My mom proudly replied to my talk.

"Smart mom! Smart." I said. "But still don't talk to her mother." I warned her.

"Why can't I? Maybe the things will get better-" i interrupted her

"It will get worse mom. It's Meghan! I know her."

"Ugh whatever." My mom let out a breath as she went to the kitchen.

Every mom's favorite place.


I woke up on another sunny day, to the sound of two birds singing on my window, and also to the sound of my phone ringing. Why do I always forget to put it on silent? It would make my sleep 3570 timesbetter.

It's Demi.

"Oh hi Demi." I said as i pressed my phone on my ear.

"I know i know i wake you up every day with a very very bad news but-" she said from the other line as I interrupted her by saying.

"Wait? Is there a new bad news today?" I asked. Yay! This marks the start of an amazing day *note the sarcasm*.

"Oh yes. Meghan did some pretty ugly shits also. But today on snapchat." Demi said.

"Oh no please not on snapchat! This girl gets 3K views on her story." I said, worried.

Yes this girl's popular for her snaps. I mean, come on she's hilarious.

"She posted a video of her mother talking to her about y'alls fight, saying that your mother called her and told her everything." Demi said.

WHAT? i told my mom not to talk to her mom about this.

I told her the situation's gonna get worse.

"What the actual fuck I told my mom not to talk to her mom about the fight." I said with a pity voice.

"And after the 4 videos she posted about her mom, she posted a black picture with the caption 'who's the kid now?'"

Oh no she didn't. She didn't just do what she did right?

She's accusing me of being a kid? As I predicted yesterday? Why my mom gotta be like that and get me into deeper shits.

"I'm so fucking angry. Imma slay her. I already got an idea." I told Demi.

"Slay her bae! I'm sure it's not your fault and you know me. I stand with the right fighter. Lol i don't know if this made sense." Demi chuckled.

"Haha lol I know what you meant don't worry." I added.

"So see you at school?" Demi asked.

"You'll see me earlier on twitter." I winked. why did I wink? It's not like she can see me right now lol.

"I'm excited." She said as we both hung up.

I excitedly opened twitter - my most popular social media - and tweeted those fake tweets. Why am i doing that so? *rolling eyes*

But when the fight's everywhere, it's so easy for your mom to know about what's happening, especially if there's a hashtag ;)

The best part is that the one who started the fight is accusing me of being a kid while she is the kid.

I proudly got out of twitter as I locked my phone and it immediately rang.

Demz 💕: SLAYYYY BAE!! #proud.

I smiled at my screen.

A/N: hiiii babes
We're getting close to a really unexpected end ;) also did anyone notice that it's demi who always wake selena up for the news about the fight? ;)
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