Chapter 4 ~ Tension

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The door slammed shut behind Natasha. She sank to the floor against it, in shock at the event that just took place. There was just one thing playing on repeat in her head. Step-dad. Step-dad. Step-dad. That's what he was. That's all he should have been; and now Natasha had just kissed him. It's not as if she had never been kissed before, but something about this one had completely obliterated any memories of any trivial ones that had come before.

"Why did it have to be so amazing...?" Tasha groaned quietly, still unsure of so much. Still unsure of the heat inside her, still unsure why she had slapped him for she was as much to blame as he, and still unsure whether she might throw caution to wind and run right back to him.

"Fuck!" Tasha was not one to usually curse but this moment seemed to call for it. Not bothering with taking off her bikini, Natasha pulled a loose dress over her head. "Oh Jane! Help me escape!" Back to Pride & Prejudice she went, because she could not quite think what else to do.


"Shit." Ronan slammed his fist into the closed door of the master bedroom. "Ronan, you fucking idiot!"

There was no end to the complete stupidity he had just exhibited. For Gods sake she was his step-daughter! But now that he'd sampled a taste how the hell was he ever going to get it out of his mind. How would he be able to just go back to normal after the fire she had awakened.

No. This was off limits. Out of bounds. Beyond the pale. He had to talk to her, sort this out immediately. But God help him resist the temptation to take her again.


Natasha was reclining on the window couch, trying to keep her focus on Lizzie refusing Mr. Collins rather than a certain searing kiss. A soft knock came at the door. Tasha froze in disbelief, staring at the door as if it were a snake, without a semblance of a clue what to do.

"Tash, its Ronan," Idiot. Who else would it be, "I think we need to talk." As if sensing her hesitation he added quickly, "Don't worry. I'll keep my hands to myself."

Tasha got up from her perch, walked to the door, and gave him a wide birth as she opened it. She sat back on the sofa, her posture erect and careful.

Ronan cleared his throat nervously and paced the room looking for a place to start. "Ta-...We-...Ugh! I suppose I must apologise for my...uh... inappropriate behaviour. It was a stupid mistake and I'm sorry." Why did Natasha feel so hurt when he said that? "Please believe me when I say that it definitely won't happen again."

Tasha felt stupid and utterly foolish for thinking that the kiss had affected him the same way it did her. Stupid, foolish, and shockingly naive.

"I understand. Thank you for explaining things so clearly." Her voice was blank and dead as was her expression, not giving a single bit of emotion away. Ronan flashed a pained visage before schooling his features into a smooth mask just the same. He hated seeing her like that, the feeling gone from her voice, from her usually bright eyes. It was painful and he knew it was his fault. She was so young and this could effect her badly. Young people felt so strongly.

"Well I'm glad we cleared that up," Ronan attempted to plaster a fake smile on his mask, failing entirely, "I'll leave you in peace now."

"Wait." He turned slightly, "My friend Ross is still coming over so don't expect me to come down for dinner or anything."

"Fine." Ronan left, not looking at her again, shutting the door quietly behind him.

Natasha sat there for a second staring at the door he had just exited from. Screw him. Why must he have the monopoly on hurting and confusing her when he was cool as a cucumber. She would forget and ignore him. He would be forgotten from her mind by tomorrow. Tasha picked up her phone. She searched through her phone and clicked on a contact.

"Hey." Enthusiastically said once the ringing stopped. "I'm great. You still coming over later? Okay great. Awesome. See you then, bye."

Tasha hung up and tossed the phone onto her bed. Ronan who? She was gonna get ready for handsome Ross and not think a jot about that certain someone who had filled her senses just moments ago. Natasha and Ross went to school together and had been in the same friend for so long with romantic and playful tension between them. Tasha had always liked him and she was gonna make sure he had lots of fun tonight. Through her closet she searched, determined to make this night an unforgettable one.

Ronan be damned, She had another man to think about. 

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